

词汇 snap out of it
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snap out of───从…中摆脱出来

snaps out of───从…中摆脱出来

step out of line───行为出人意料;离开常轨

out of it───不在内;窘困;被冷落;搞错

sneak out of───逃避;偷偷溜出

be well out of it───别管它了

beat out of───击败

drag out of───将…从…处拉出来

keep out of───置身于外


Snap out of it!───别这样了!

I snap out of it for a moment.───我那一刻突然振作起来.

So - snap out of it!───所谓 折断了!

Often however, young people ignore mental health problems thinking they will "snap out of it," or that they are something to be ashamed of.───然而年轻人往往忽视心理问题,他们认为将会“重新振作起来”或者觉得羞愧。

loved one hasn't left the house in what seems like days. Should youtell him to pull himself up by his bootstraps and just snap out of it?───大白天了,至爱的人还没有离开屋子。你是否应该告诉他自己起来,振作精神?

Failed no matter, snap out of it.───失败了没有关系,重新振作起来。

All that selfpity, my dear! He really ought so snap out of it.───我亲爱的, 他真该摆脱好种自怜情绪.

Come on, snap out of it!───快, 振作起来!

Come on, snap out of it; you drank too much!───来吧, 振作起来; 你喝得太多了!

Snap out of it, you can find another girlfriend.───振作起来吧, 天涯何处无芳草.


Snap out of it, you can find another girlfriend.

Some friends asked me "Why do you need to be depressed?", "Snap out of it!" – if I have not de-friended these people by now I certainly have kept my distance.

Snap out of it!

He's so depressed. He doesn't seem able to snap out of it at all.

Perhaps he would snap out of it.

Now come on, snap out of it. Losing that money isn't the end of the world.

Chantal's been depressed for days. I wish she'd snap out of it .

Come on, snap out of it!

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