bashes in───打坏
cashes in───兑现;收到……货款
laces into───猛烈进攻;遣责
marries into───通过结婚成为…的一员
masses in───质量
moves into───进入
pitches into───vt.投入;开始努力工作;猛烈进攻;大吃大嚼
When the solar wind smashes into the upper atmosphere, the particles are swept.───太阳风冲击高层大气时,风暴中的电粒子会与大气层的原子发生反应,地球磁场就把这些粒子卷入两极。
My lanky fifteen year old body smashes into the windshield, flips lifelessly over the roof of the car, and strikes the concrete with a sickening thud.───在这里输入译文我15岁的瘦得出奇的身体重重地撞在汽车挡风玻璃上,然后在车顶上无力地轻轻弹起后,随着砰的一声闷响,我结结实实地摔在了地上。
The overloaded trolley smashes into the shopper, throwing her against a pillar six to seven metres away.───这个超载的手推车猛击了这个购物者,将她撞出六七米。
a. m. : Flight 175 smashes into the South Tower.───175号班机贯穿了南塔。
My lanky fifteen year old body smashes into the windshield, flips lifelessly over the roof of the car, and strikes the concrete with a sickening thud.
When a charged-particle cloud enters the upper atmosphere of Earth, it smashes into and breaks up gas molecules, creating the northern lights (or in the Southern Hemisphere, the southern lights).
- smashes the klan
- smashes into