

词汇 smart money
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n.罚款,抚恤金,因掌握内情而下的赌注; 精明的投资者,搞经济的专家


smart moneys───抚恤金;罚款;因掌握内情而下的赌注;(英)伤兵抚恤

smart monies───聪明的钱

smart phones───智能手机(smartphone的复数)

the smart money───聪明的钱

Short money───短期借款

earn money───赚钱

fiat money───法定货币;(美)不能兑换的纸币

hard money───硬通货,[金融]硬性货币

hoard money───囤积钱财


The smart money was on the other horse.───内行的赌注是下在另一匹马上.

This process has already begun with the smart money.───这个过程已经由聪明钱开始了.

Make smart money choices.───正确的对待金钱.

The smart money says that he's likely to withdraw from the leadership campaign.───据知情者说,他很可能退出领导人竞选。

But at least it is clear where the smart money is going.───但至少,这些投资资金的去向还是很清晰透明的.

The smart money is on him for the best actor award.───内行认为他将获最佳演员奖。

smart money is on him for the best actor award.───内行认为他将获最佳演员奖。

Most of the smart money hs stopped going into the real estate.───大部分聪明人已不再把钱投入房地产了.

With Japan not playing, the smart money was on the Canadians.───由于日本不参加,注下在加拿大队上。

What does the smart money see in the carcass of IndyMac?───从印地麦克银行的尸骨上,精明的私人资本看到了什么?

Others will tell you that'the smart money got out of gold months ago.───其他人则会告诉你,几个月前有经验的投资者就已经从黄金投资中抽身了.

The smart money begins to bid for out - of - favor stocks, which at temptingly low bargain prices.───“聪明资金”开始投资被市场遗忘的交易品种, 这些品种暂时处在低价位.


The smart money says she'll win the world championship.

What does the smart money see in the carcass of IndyMac?

The smart money is on Liam Neeson for best actor .

The smart money was on the other horse.

The smart money is on the A's to win the series.

This process has already begun with the smart money.

The smart money said Truman would lose the election.

Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

With England not playing, the smart money was on the Germans.

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