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词汇 shooting out
释义 shooting out
shooting out发音




shouting out───突然呼喊,大叫

smoothing out───消除;使平滑

booting out───解雇;撵走;逐出

rooting out───根除;连根拔起;发现

scooping out───舀出,挖出;接应

scouting out───寻找

shooting up───射出;发芽;暴涨;迅速成长

shutting out───v.排除;关在外面;遮住

sorting out───整理;挑选


Tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her.───“蒂勃朗号”帆船乘着强劲的东南风飞驰在蓝色海面上, 溅起了层层浪花.

southeast breeze sent the small sailing ship Tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her.───帆船乘着强劲的东南风飞驰在蓝色海面上,溅起了层层浪花。

You seem to have known the Olympic shooting out and out.───你似乎全面地了解了奥运会射击运动.

A hug is like an emotional Heimlich: they put their arms around you and give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety goes shooting out of your mouth like a big, wet wad and you can breathe again.───一个好的拥抱就像感情的海姆·利克氏疗法:人们把双臂环绕着你,用力挤一下,然后你所有湿湿嗒嗒的一大坨恐惧忧虑,都会从你嘴里喷涌而出,然后你就又能自由呼吸了。

The weeds were shooting out of the grass.───杂草正迅速从草坪上长出.

You mean where you bat the ball shooting out of a machine?───你是说机器发球来让你击球的地方?

The trees are shooting out buds.───这些树正在长芽.

Passengers describe hearing a loud explosion, then seeing flames shooting out of the damaged engine, which was on the left wing closest to the fuselage.───乘客描述说,他们听到一声巨大的爆炸声,然后看见火焰从受损的引擎里冒出来,这个引擎位于最靠近机身的左翼上。

Soon, a shower of sparks was shooting out of the engines.───不久后, 引擎喷射出一阵火花.

Rice was shooting out into ears.───稻子已经抽穗了.

The trees are shooting out new branches.───树在长新枝.

The bandits were shooting out from the barn.───匪徒们正从谷仓里射击.


Tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her.

Skinhead kids on bikes shooting out of alleys, coming at a racing slant over the potholed streets.

Ralph, Jr. smiles with self-satisfaction. He stops and opens his mouth to speak, but instead a ferocious SNEEZE escapes, sending FLAMES shooting out of his nose.

Rice was shooting out into ears.

When replying to questions, he tries to answer them, rather than simply shooting out scripted sound - bites .

Rourke was the one who was shooting out of her sphere like a trail-blazing comet.

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