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词汇 shared goals
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hard coals───[矿物]硬煤;无烟煤

eared seals───海狗科

shared care───n.共同照护

shared cares───共同关心

shared lines───共享线路

shared logic───共享逻辑

shared out───vt.分配,均分


Better health and its fair distribution should be adopted as Shared goals.───改善卫生并进行公平的分配应当作为共同的目标。

The article suggests joining groups where you have Shared goals.───这篇文章建议去加入那些和你有共同目标的小组。

We should rise up to challenges, remove disturbances, work for shared goals and promote continuous growth of our relations.───我们应该着手应对挑战,排除干扰,为共同的目标而工作,促进中美关系的持续发展。

Motivates and supports staff in the achievement of shared goals, demonstrating authority, integrity and credibility. Leads by example.───以至诚、信用和职权激励和支持员工达成共同目标、事事以身作则。

We reaffirm our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear nonproliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.───我们重申关于核裁军、核不扩散及和平利用核能的共同目标。

It is an opportunity to network, collaborate and coordinate activities to achieve shared goals.───通讯录可提供给成员建立网络、合作以及协调活动的各种机会,以实现共同的目标。

Consider a communications plan that defines how you'll keep all team members informed and working toward common, shared goals.───设想一个沟通计划,定义您将如何让所有的团队成员消息灵通,并且为共同的共享目标工作。

You'll earn more respect from your boss and colleagues if you set appropriate limits, while pledging to support shared goals.───在承诺为共同的目标提供支持时设置恰当的限度会让你的上司和同事更加尊重你。


That some blacks are willing to make some significant personal sacrifices to pursue certain mutually shared goals.

Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.

You can't beat the system and shouldn't want to, because it represents a co-operative progress towards shared goals.

  • shared initial
  • shared key
  • shared goals
  • shared efforts




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