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词汇 shaken off
释义 shaken off
shaken off发音



shake off───摆脱;抖落

shakes off───摆脱;抖落

shaking off───摆脱;抖落

slacken off───松劲

shaken out───抖出;打开

taken off───脱掉;带走;出发;截断;绘制;(飞机等)起飞;中断;扣除;夺去性命;(口语)模仿(takeoff的过去分词)

slackens off───松劲

shaken down───临时搭床铺

broken off───中断;破掉(破裂后跌落)


She had taken it out of its box in the afternoon, shaken off the moth-powder, and given it a brush.───她采取了出来其在下午框,摆脱了蛾粉,并给它一刷。

I had by no means shaken off the feeling of oppression, and wherever I might have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place.───我并没有驱除掉心中那种压抑的感觉,不管我是在什么地方,我对周围的环境简直是毫无认识。

However, as you desire to instead bring beauty and harmony into your lives, those lower vibrations will be shaken off.───然而,只要你愿意把美丽与和谐带入你的生活中取代这些负面,那么这些较低的振动就会自然的被瓦解。

It has shaken off the political tragedy of great powers and will promote world economic development and international political harmony.───它摆脱了大国政治的悲剧,必将促进世界经济发展和国际政治和谐。

She has shaken off doubts and injuries that have nearly derailed her, hit the bottom and climbed back to the top.───她摆脱了曾差点儿断送她职业生涯的怀疑和伤病,从低谷攀回高峰。

Despite a makeover by American political consultants, Mr Yanukovich has not shaken off his image of a thuggish, inarticulate man.───除了采纳美国政治顾问做了整容,他没有摆脱其杀人犯和不善言辞的形象。


The team seems to have shaken off the jinx that's been dogging them for months.

We have never quite shaken off its effects.

United have just about shaken off the flu bug and are back to more or less full strength.

The grip of neoclassicism seems finally to have been shaken off.

Voice over Police in Cam gave chase for a short distance but were easily shaken off by the robbers stolen Sierra Cosworth.

By 2:30 p.m. the French media had shaken off the holiday vibe and was giving the event wall-to-wall coverage.

He was unaware that they had shaken off their pursuers.

It's already afternoon, haven't your shaken off your drowsiness?

They had shaken off their pursuers.





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