

词汇 sex life
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see life───交游广;见世面

sex lives───n.性生活

new life───新生活;新生命

shelf life───n.保存限期;[电]贮藏寿命;闲置时间;适用期

mean life───[核]平均寿命;平均使用年限

real life───现实生活(的);实际生活(的)

sex drive───性欲;性驱力;[生理]性冲动




First, regular sex life can make people live longer.───第一, 规律的性生活能够使人长寿.

Around the sex life especially is important.───性生活前后尤为重要.

Spare some nerves? Give him a chance at a normal sex life?───不留下一些神经 吗 ?不就能给他一个过正常性生活的机会 吗 ?

How's your sex life?───你的性生活怎样?

You could have a more normal sex life.───你也能拥有一个健康正常的性生活.

Enhance your sex life and give him what he wants.───提高你的性生活质量,给他想要的.

A good sex life is all that is needed for a happy marriage.───快乐的婚姻只需要有好的性生活.

My sex life is my business.───我的性生活是我的私事。

ways to improve your sex life───改善性生活的办法

Fourth, the sex life can resist a cold.───第四, 性生活可以抵抗感冒.

Continental people have sex life; the english have hot water bottle.───(欧洲)大陆人有性生活, 英国人则有热水瓶.

Define a great sex life on your own terms.───重新定义你自己的性生活的伟大意义.

During the first trimester , your sex life can remain as active as it has always been.───一个怀孕的女人的性欲望可能时常因为她的情绪而变化.

Love is sex, life being, immediate, animalistic.───比如说,爱是一种性.它是生物的, 直接的, 动物的.

It is your sex life. Not a crash test!───这是你的性生活, 不是撞击试验.

He wanted a better sex life.───他想改善性生活.

My sex life is my business.───我的性生活是我自己的事。

Nowadays, a geisha's sex life is her private affair.───如今, 一个艺妓的性生活已成她的隐私.

We have a very active sex life.───我们的性生活非常活跃。

Write stories about Hitler's sex life and send'em off to the newspapers?───写希特勒的性生活然后发给报纸?

Most diabetics have a normal sex life.───绝大多数糖尿病患者有着正常的性生活。

Did you just reveal something about your sex life?───你刚才是不是展示了你的一些性生活?

It is promoting a healthy sex life can extend life expectancy.───它宣传健康的性生活能延长人的寿命.

I am not interested in your sex life, Mr. Brown.───布朗先生,我对你的性生活没兴趣.


Continental people have sex life; the English have hot - water bottle.

How's your sex life?

We have a very active sex life.

My sex life is my business.

Nowadays, a geisha's sex life is her private affair.

Love is sex, life being, immediate, animalistic.

By the time she was thirty-two, her sex life was almost nonexistent.

Most diabetics have a normal sex life.

During the first trimester , your sex life can remain as active as it has always been.

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