

词汇 set eyes on
释义 set eyes on
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lay eyes on───见到

settles on───选定;授与;停在

clap eyes on───看见;注视

seizes on───抓住;占有

sets on───唆使;开始;攻击

settle on───选定;授与;停在

settled on───选定;授与;停在

settles in───v.迁入

stays on───继续停留


None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before.───我们过去谁也没看见过发电机.

I've never set eyes on that man before.───我从未见过那个人.

If we once lose sight of him, we shall never set eyes on him again.───倘若我们一旦丢了他, 就再也找不着他了.

I couldna' abide thee th' first time I set eyes on thee.───我第一次看见你的时候,我就受不了你。

As soon as I set eyes on him, I recognized hit as an old schoolmate.───我一眼看到他就认出他是个老同学.

The instant Simonetta had set eyes on Ivo, his bachelor days were numbered.───当西蒙内塔看到伊沃的那一瞬间, 他独身生活的日子就屈指可数了.

Take her away, and be careful that I never set eyes on her.───把她弄走, 注意可别让我瞧见她.

From the moment I set eyes on you, I fell in love.───从我看见你的那一刻, 我就爱上了你.

What was he doing when you last set eyes on him?───你上次见到他时他在做什么?

If I could set eyes on your beautiful smile, that is maximal blessedness for me.───能看到你美丽的笑容, 就是我最大的幸福.

I hope I never set eyes on this place again!───我希望永远不再见到这个地方!

He recognized her instantly, even though he had never set eyes on her before.───他几乎瞬间认出了她, 虽然之前他从未见过她.

Get out of my sight, you wretch! I never want to set eyes on you again.───滚开, 你这个混蛋! 我永远不要再看见你.

He wouldn't set eyes on th' baby.───他不愿正眼看那个婴儿。

When he set eyes on the green hills, he felt deep excitement.───他望见了翠绿的小山时, 深感激动.


No sea that Marion had ever set eyes on was that particular shade of transparent, light-filled turquoise.

I hope I never set eyes on this place again!

What was he doing when you last set eyes on him?

But I personally haven't set eyes on it and I don't intend to.

Most of them would never set eyes on the place and few felt any loyalty towards it.

Bedford disliked Halsey the minute he set eyes on him.

I hope I never set eyes on him again.

From that day to this Adam had never set eyes on Mary Gage and had hardly ever thought of her.

From the moment he set eyes on her he knew that he wanted to marry her.

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