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词汇 seed coat
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seed coats───[植]种皮

seed coral───种珊瑚

seed corn───谷种;播种用的玉蜀黍;可供将来发展的宝贵资源

seed corals───种子珊瑚

seed potato───种用马铃薯;种薯

seed corns───谷种;播种用的玉蜀黍;可供将来发展的宝贵资源

seed plant───种子植物

speed cops───特警

pea coat───海员扣领短上衣


Balmy, berry is vermeil, seed coat has fiber qualitative fine fur.───芳香,浆果朱红色,种皮有纤维质细毛。

The mostly insoluble fiber in cocoa comes from the seed coat on the unprocessed cocoa bean.───可可粉中基本上不溶的纤维素来自于未加工的可可豆的种皮。

Severe beating at blow room which has caused seed coat fragmentation.───棉籽壳在滤尘室遭到剧烈的开松,以至破裂.

The seed coat is marked with a hilum or seed scar.───种皮上留有种脐或种痕.

Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts.───果实包括果皮.种皮.子叶和胚四部分.

Stripping out ren species are kept outside the film with light brown seed coat.───剥出的种仁外面蒙有淡褐色的膜状内种皮.

Seminal minimum, seed coat sometimes outspread the accessary system that becomes one end state.───种子极小, 种皮有时延伸成一尾状的附属体.

Fenugreek seed comprises seed coat, endosperm and embryo.───葫芦巴籽由种皮 、 胚乳和胚组成.

The impurities, which remains after desizing and scouring, are natural dyes and seed coat fragments.───经过退浆和洗涤之后留下的杂质就是自然染色及种子外壳的碎片了.

When hypocotyl emerges out of the seed coat for 1 - 2 mm.───当下胚轴穿出种皮约1—2毫米时,生毛细胞的外壁向外突出,形成下胚轴毛.

With purple seed coat, endosperm and close.───内种皮紫红色,与胚乳紧贴.

Large - seeded varieties seem to be more susceptible to seed coat damage.───大粒品种似乎更容易使种皮遭受伤害.

Seminal majority, dinky, seed coat has fossa opening , endosperm flesh is qualitative.───种子多数, 极小, 种皮有小窝孔, 胚乳肉质.

It is current things of relatively advanced conserve change of one seed coat.───它是目前较为先进的一种皮革养护用品.

The ultrastructure of seed coat of resistant and susceptible peanut varieties to Aspergillus flavus was observed.───比较分析了花生高抗、中抗和高感黄曲霉菌品种种皮纹理的超微结构.

The ultrastructure of seed coat of resistant and susceptible peanut varieties to Aspergillus flavus was observed.───了花生高抗、中抗和高感黄曲霉菌品种种皮纹理的超微结构。


Balmy, berry is vermeil, seed coat has fiber qualitative fine fur.

Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts.

Seminal minimum, seed coat sometimes outspread the accessary system that becomes one end state.

After about 24 hours the seed coating splits open and the seed sinks to the bottom.

A morphological observation on seed coat of Brassica and Sinapis using scanning electron microscope.

According to colour of seed coat mottling and relativeflavonoids, two types of mottling can be distingaished by with and without anthocyanidin .

Fenugreek seed comprises seed coat, endosperm and embryo.

With purple seed coat, endosperm and close.

Dormancy of cucurbit seeds results from embryo dormancy, seed coat barrier, germination inhibiting substance and phytohormone imbalance.

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