

词汇 beam splitter
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beam splitters───[光]分束器;分光镜;电子(射)束分裂器




baby sitter───临时替人看小孩者;照顾婴孩者


beam rider───[航][军]波束制导导弹


A novel broadband polarizing beam splitter is proposed based on the form - birefringence of SWG.───利用亚波长光栅的形状双折射效应,提出了一种新型宽光谱偏振分光结构.

Design and fabrication of polarizing beam splitter for projection display system.───投影显示系统的偏振分光镜的设计和制备。

If the two arms have identical lengths, then interference between the light beams returning to the beam splitter will direct all of the light back toward the laser.───如果两条边一样长,分光器发射的激光将被完全反射回分光器。

If they are the same, the two photons will come out of the beam - splitter together.───如果他们状态一样, 这两个光子就在 分束器 一起出来.

returning light beams merge together at the beam splitter and create an interference pattern of light and dark regions where the light waves either cancel out or reinforce each other.───返回的两束光在分束器处汇合,产生由亮区和暗区组成的干涉图案,图案中,光波要么相互抵消要么相互增强。

The purpose of the beam - splitter is to compare the quantum states of A and B.───分束器 的目的就在于比较B跟A的量子态.


By means of electron beam evaporation and ion source auxiliary technology, the paper shows the influence of the number of layers on the quality of film polarization beam splitter prism.

This can be accomplished using a beam splitter.

The effects of optical medium including light beam splitter and reflecting metallic film on laser polarization state in a coherent CO_2 lidar are discussed.

It is obvious that beam splitter is an important component in Quasi-optical Technique.

A novel broadband polarizing beam splitter is proposed based on the form - birefringence of SWG.

As the simplest shaping pulse double pulse produced by a beam splitter is first used to ablate the sample.

Lenses can be placed between the beam splitter and the computer display to focus the image so that it appears at a comfortable viewing distance.

The polarization beam splitter(PBS) and polarization beam combiner (PBC) were utilized to form dual loop structure to suppress the side modes of microwave signal without adding active device.

The invention provides a polarization beam splitter based on auto-collimation of photonic crystal and beam splitting method thereof.

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