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词汇 second form
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second forms───第二种形式

second floors───(美)二楼;(英)三楼

second floor───(美)二楼;(英)三楼

the second form───第二种形式

second home───第二故乡;第二住所

second row───第二排

second rows───第二排


send for───召唤,派人去叫;派人去拿


FormUrl2 - Execute the feed URL defined for Second form method.───formUrl2—执行第二个表单方法的数据源url。

The second form should be used with objects.───第二种形式应用于对象中。

The second form of sequence diagram is the instance form.───序列图的第二种形态是实例形态。

A second form of marketing pathology is speculative fever. In Western Europe and the United States this disability has not been unknown.───市场交易病态的第二种形式是投机热。在西欧和美国,这种疾病并不陌生。

A second form of wushu competition, called sanshou, involves fighting -- and a fair amount of protective padding.───而另一类则称为“散手”,参赛选手要在穿戴上护具后进行格斗。

Earth has chosen to call this second form of ascension a "false ascension" .───地球已选择将这第二类提升称为“虚假提升”。

Structure needs to be informed if it should generate the first or second form. The first form is generated by default.───结构的序列化程序应生成第一个或第二个窗体,它需要得到通知。

A second form involves technology used for exploration boreholes in the hard rock mining industry.───小井眼的第二种形式包括使用了在采矿工业中使用的硬岩石中的勘探技术。

The second form of file resource is a POSIX-like file system known as the Integrated File System or IFS.───第二种文件资源形式是POSIX类文件系统,称为IntegratedFileSystem(或IFS)。


The second form is a postfix increment operation.

The second form is Divination, or consulting oracles.

A second form of state intervention to promote rural industrialization is the use of direct subsidies to change manufacturers' relative costs.

The second form, secondary prevention, concerns the child when it is in the womb.

A second form of personal thought is intuition.

The second form is a postfix decrement operation.

This is the second form of enemy encirclement.

A second form of corruption was dishonest dealing by the officers of the law.

There is a second form of reciprocity where the reciprocal action does not take the same form as the insult.

  • second hand
  • secondhand smoke
  • second graders
  • second floor
  • secondaries exchanges
  • second thought
  • second self
  • secondary consideration
  • secondarily affected
  • second way
  • second love
  • second page
  • second moment
  • secondary sources
  • secondary product
  • secondarily syn
  • seconds clock
  • secondary industry
  • secondary source
  • secondary data
  • secondary school




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