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词汇 seaside town
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riverside town───滨江镇

seaside hotel───海边旅店

upside down───adv.倒置地;adj.颠倒的

seaside resort───海滨疗养地

seaside location───海滨位置

seaside sparrows───海滨麻雀

seaside daisy───海滨雏菊

seaside resorts───海滨度假区

seaside sparrow───海滨麻雀


I lived in the seaside town in Massachusetts.───我在马萨诸塞的海边小城住过。

The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.───周日,在智利的瓦尔帕莱索,日偏食阶段的太阳被月亮咬去了一块。

Her mother ran a boardinghouse in Galveston, a seaside town near Houston, Texas.───她的母亲在得克萨斯州休斯顿附近的海滨小镇加尔维斯顿经营一家寄宿公寓。

Maybe we went on a bad day but I can't recommend making the trip to a very shoddy seaside town.───或许,我们在去之前该翻下皇历。无论如何,推荐大家去一个名不副实的地方,我还真做不来。

The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.───上周日,从智利瓦尔帕莱索(Valparaiso)的海边看过去,日偏食阶段的太阳被月亮咬去了一块。

was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call.───行经被遗弃的主要街道的一个小的海边小镇,在英格兰北部寻找某个打电话。

In it, protagonist Charlotte Heywood visits the seaside town of Sanditon as it is being built into a resort.───在小说中,主人公夏洛特•海伍德(CharlotteHeywood)探访了海滨小镇桑迪顿,此时它正在被打造成度假胜地。

Rimini is another wonderful seaside town along the eastern coast of Italy where you can find some of the best seafood around.───里米尼是义大利东岸另一个美丽的海湾城市,那儿您可以找到当地最棒的海产鲜味。

Each year, the seaside town where Michael lives hosts an international literary festival, attracting writers from all over the world.───而在迈克尔居住的海边小镇,每年都会举办一场国际文学作品节,世界各地的作家都会赶来。


It was a small seaside town with a couple of bars and one shabby-looking disco.

This used to be an attractive seaside town, but now it's become very touristy.

The book's locale is a seaside town in the summer of 1958.

Although Dundalk is supposed to be a seaside town, I could find no trace of a harbour.

It was a seaside town filled with small white bungalows.

La Coruna is a pretty seaside town on the north-western tip of Spain.

Before long you arrive at the seaside town of Great Yarmouth.

It is a seaside town inland.

There is nothing more depressing than a seaside town in low season.

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