

词汇 run up
释义 run up
run up发音


升起; (使)增长; 迅速地登上; 沿…迅速地移动


run ups───v.匆匆制成;积欠;迅速积累;向上跑;高涨

rung up───打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机

runs up───v.匆匆制成;积欠;迅速积累;向上跑;高涨

ran up───涨起,升起;匆忙建造



burn up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒


The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas.



Tripod steady. Run up the bank with sun coming fast behind him.───扶稳三脚架, 跑上岸去,身后的阳光迅速追上来.

I run up the stairs.───我上楼梯.

Like l said, mice like to run up and down the pipes.───像我所说, 老鼠喜欢在管子上跑来跑去.

Do you know lndian boys used to run up to the bear and slap him?───你知道印地安男孩通常跳到熊背上并拍打它?

She had run up a huge phone bill.───她已经欠下了一大笔电话费。

She had never run up the stairs so quickly.───她从来不曾这么三步并作两步地上过楼梯.

I have run up these figures.───这些数字我已计算过.

He had run up debts totaling more than & 2,000.───他一共负了两千多英镑的债.

an increase in spending in the run-up to Christmas───圣诞节前花费的增加

There is enough power to run up to four lights.───电力足够带起4盏灯。

When he had run up the hill, he paused for a minute to rest.───他跑上小山时, 停下来休息了一会儿.

She managed to run up a credit card debt of $60,000.───她竟然用信用卡透支了6万美元。

When I began to compete again, I was struggling with my run-up.───当我重新参赛后,我要解决助跑这一项。

Don't back up the moment you run up against a little difficulty.───不要遇到一点困难就打退堂鼓.

How had he managed to run up so many debts?───他怎么欠了这么多债?

This is one of the most puzzling cases I have ever run up against.───这是我经手的最难办的案件之一.

So, you reckon they'll make us run up those or ski down them?───你想上级会要我们爬上山还是滑雪下来?


He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.

  • run after
  • run low on
  • run into debt
  • run so quick
  • run out of gas
  • run so slow
  • run over
  • run that
  • running star
  • run aftergame
  • run free
  • run over to
  • run to fast
  • run short
  • running stream
  • run and run
  • run application
  • running up that hill
  • run along the coast
  • run home
  • runska volna




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