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词汇 rock bands
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rock bands发音



rock band───摇滚乐团

rock bass───岩鲈

rock buns───摇滚小面包

rock candy───冰糖

rock hinds───岩鹿

rock candies───冰糖

rock basses───岩鲈

rock brakes───岩石制动器

rock plants───岩石植物


Two rock bands are making a go at reaching shut-in fans, announcing a virtual concert for today.───两个摇滚乐队则试图博得宅在家中的粉丝们的青睐,他们宣布将于今天举办一场网络演唱会。

Unlike great rock bands, he does not think they will be destroyed by their own hubris.───不像那些伟大的摇滚乐队,威尔曼认为他们不会被自己的桀骜不驯所摧毁。

also opened the main stage on the last night for ZZ Top and one of the top Swiss rock bands Krokus.───最后一夜他也在主舞台为ZZ Top组合和瑞士摇滚乐团Krokus(伴奏)。

Oshio also opened the main stage on the last night for ZZ Top and one of the top Swiss rock bands Krokus.───最后一夜他也在主舞台为ZZTop组合和瑞士摇滚乐团Krokus(伴奏)。

The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the few alternative rock bands that have consistently maintained their sound over the years.───“呛红辣椒”乐队是唯数不多的一支另类摇滚乐队,因为这些年来,他们始终保持着自己的声音。

Linkin park, one of the most fabulous rock bands in the world, the owner of two Grammy Awards, is rocking the world!───林肯公园,是世界上最精彩的摇滚乐队之一,拥有两个格莱美奖,是震撼世界!

The party, which featured entertainment by two rock bands, prompted dozens of noise complaints.───这次音乐会有两个摇滚乐队助兴,结果引来了数十宗噪音投诉。

Detroit's annual auto show in January was somber, but Shanghai's show dazzled attendees with throngs of models, rock bands and light shows.───底特律的今年一月年度车展冷冷清清;而上海的车展则是车模众多,摇滚乐队与灯光秀更是让人眼花缭乱。

The other half travel, play in rock bands that don't make money, or otherwise engage in nontraditional "timeout" activities.───另一半则在履行,在摇滚乐队演奏或者是做一些非传统的消遣活动。


In a world of wannabe rock bands — enough already with the rehashed songs from yesteryear — DJ Hero offers a welcome change.

People, they build these institutions like governments or rock bands or anything, and reality is distorted.

We're auditioning local rock bands for the music festival.

The other half travel, play in rock bands that don't make money, or otherwise engage in nontraditional "timeout" activities.

Rock bands are pioneering its use.

A new wave of rock bands experimented with different rhythms and beats.

Later there also appeared rock bands such as Rolling Rocks, Gun n' Roses and Sex Pistols, rock singers such as Bob Dylan and acid rock represented by Jefferson Airplane.

Rock bands and singers such as Hao Yun, Caffe-in band, Muma band, Suyang band and Xie Tianxiao stroke poses on the stage, which maddened the Changsha fans.

Two rock bands are making a go at reaching shut-in fans, announcing a virtual concert for today.

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