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richly deserved───当之无愧

Brights diseases───光明疾病

cash reserve───现金储蓄,现金余额;准备金

cash reserves───现金储蓄,现金余额;准备金

game reserve───猎物繁殖和保护区

game reserves───狩猎保护区(gamereserve的复数)

gold reserve───[金融]黄金储备


Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.───2002苹果电脑股份有限公司, 版权所有.

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Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( Hong Kong ). All Rights Reserved.───2008 香港爱护动物协会. 版权所有.不准转载.

All rights reserved by our research group.───该平台属于本研究小组的自主产权.

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Evangelion" characters and situations trademark and copyright GAINAX, all rights reserved, used without permission.───战士》中的人物和场景版权均归gainax所有,未经授权使用。

All names & logos are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.───所有名字 与 标识语是他们的各自的主人的财产. 版权所有.

Tsinghua Construction Management Training Program . All Rights Reserved.───本资料版权归清华大学建设管理项目组所有.

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The Sina Net finance and economics rights reserved also gives to report.───新浪网财经专版也予以报道.

Ottawa Race Weekend, all rights reserved.───2008渥太华赛跑周末, 版权所有.

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France ALLBEST Biotechnology Prettify Health Product(Hongkong) Company limited All Rights Reserved.

Tsinghua Construction Management Training Program . All Rights Reserved.

Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

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All Copy Rights Reserved by Hangzhou Alline Plastic Co. , Ltd. Zhejiang, China.

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