

词汇 regular expression
释义 regular expression
regular expression发音



gene expression───[遗]基因表达;[遗]基因表现

regular exercise───常规性的锻炼;经常操练,按时训练

regular hexahedron───正六面体

regular premium───定期保费;期缴保费


regular hexahedrons───正六面体

freedom of expression───言论自由;表达自由

Great Depression───大萧条(美国经济大萧条时期)

angular dispersion───[天]角色散;角分散


Regular expression _ r _ rs, in order of definition in the configuration file.───正则表达式, 按配置文件里的顺序.

You can refer to a subexpression from within a regular expression.───可以从正则表达式中引用子表达式.

This array contains regular expression rules for pluralizing special cases.───包含特殊的复数化名称正规表示式规则的阵列.

Parentheses are used in a regular expression to create a subexpression.───在正则表达式中使用括号可创建子表达式.

The complexity of an attempted match against a regular expression exceeded a pre - set level.───对正则表达式尝试匹配的复杂度超出预设的级别.

It can be configured using both conventional strings and regular expression _ r _ rs.───你可以配置使用常规字符串和正则表达式.

Q . Why does using parenthesis in a POSIX regular expression change the result a match?───POSIX正则表达式中使用括号为什么会改变匹配结果?

Parentheses in a regular expression are used to create a subexpression.───正则表达式中的括号用于创建子表达式.

Regular Expression objects store patterns used to search strings for character combinations.───正则表达式对象存储用于搜索字符组合的字符串的模式.

Any regular expression can be used.───任何正则表达式都可以使用。

Matches following code completely with the regular expression!───用正则表达式完整匹配以下代码!

Therefore the regular expression A*B will match the strings AB, AAB, AAAB, or any other string starting with an A and ending with a single B.───因此,正则表达式 A*B 将与字符串 AB 、 AAB 、 AAAB 或任何其它以 A 开头并以单个 B 为结尾的字符串相匹配。

You can a subexpression from a regular expression, and a replacement string.───可以从正则表达式和替换字符串中引用子表达式.

Finally, you can use a regular expression to search for and replace the tags.───最后, 可以使用正则表达式来搜索和替换标记.

The regular expression serves as character pattern to compare with the text being searched.───正则表达式可用作与要搜索的文本相比较的字符模式.

Help for Regular Expression for Delphi library full code, has been tested.───说明正则表达式德尔福图书馆全部源代码, 已经过测试.

Step 4: Evaluate the regular expression.───第4步:评估正则表达式。

Contain UBB code and UBB portrait, using regular expression production.───含有UBB代码和UBB头像, 采用正则表达式制作.

  • regular exercise
  • regular liner vessel
  • regular flights
  • regular price
  • regular games
  • regular supply
  • regular way
  • regular expression
  • regular breaks




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