red snappers───红鲷鱼
gray snapper───紫红笛鲷
red pepper───红辣椒,辣椒
gray snappers───灰鲷
knee slapper───爆笑的笑话
red alder───红桤木;赤阳木
You could be paying $23 a pound for red snapper that's really $3 a pound tilapia.───你可能以23美金一磅的价格买红鲷鱼,可实际上是3美金一磅的罗非鱼。
Our main exporting products: pollock fillets , yellow fin sole fillets, cod fillets, red snapper fillets, salmon fillets, scallop, etc.───主要出口产品有: 鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片 、 真鳕片、红鱼片 、 马哈鱼片 、 扇贝丁等其它类产品.
Is the red snapper too spicy?───真鲷会不会太辣?
These fish include red snapper, Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, and king crab.───这些鱼类包括红鲷鱼 、 大西洋鲑鱼 、 金枪鱼和帝王蟹.
stimulated a boom in shrimp and red snapper later.───刺激了对虾需求量的增长,接着到红鲷鱼。
I want to try the red snapper - but is it very spicy?───我要尝尝看 真鲷.但是会不会太辣?
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