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词汇 red deer
释义 red deer
red deer发音

n.马鹿; 麖; 水鹿



red deers───n.马鹿;欧亚洲的赤鹿

Key deer───凯鹿(鹿的品种)

red beet───红甜菜

red dye───人造红色色素

red feed───红色饲料


roe deer───n.[脊椎]狍(等于roe)

red duster───红船旗(英国的商船旗)

red pepper───红辣椒,辣椒


The red deer was fed out on the marsh.───红麋鹿在沼泽地里养肥上市.

Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.───观察敏锐的步行者可能在这一路段看到赤鹿。

The red deer are high on the mountain.───红色的鹿热爱着山冈.

A bugling red deer stag , or Cervus elaphus, in Denmark.───丹麦一个长犄角的红色成年壮鹿.

The animals are mainly Red deer, deer , Roe deer and wild duck, hazel grouse, pheasant etc.───主要动物有马鹿 、 獐子 、 狍子、野兔、野猪、紫貂和野鸭子 、 榛鸡 、 山鸡等.

Red Deer Catholic schools are publicly funded schools within the province of Alberta.───红鹿市天主教学校局:红鹿市天主教学校局辖下的学校是由艾伯塔省政府资助.

Wild animals are red deer, blue horse chickens, pheasants and other wild.───野生动物有马鹿 、 蓝马鸡 、 野雉等.

The steppes gave way to forests, and red deer took the place of horse and bison.───大草原被森林取而代之, 赤鹿替代了野马和野牛.

Miannaining is a anaesthetic for animal such as deer , red deer and hear etc.───眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药.

Tetraogallus wild animals, blue horse chicken, red deer, shi yang, lynx, wolf, weasel and so on.───野生动物有雪鸡 、 蓝马鸡 、 马鹿 、 石羊 、 猞猁 、 狼 、 黄鼠狼等.

It's going to be the death knell of the red deer.───这将导致马鹿的灭绝。

By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the skia deer have affected the gene pool.───通过与我们本地的赤鹿杂交,梅花鹿影响了基因库。

Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and hear etc.───摘要眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿 、 马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药.

The red deer are high on the mountain.───红色的鹿在高高的山冈上。

A genus of ruminants. including the red deer and other allied species.───反刍动物类. 包括红色鹿和其它相似的种类.

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