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词汇 base pair
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base pairs───碱基对

base path───跑垒道

base pay───基本工资

base pairing───[分子生物]碱基配对

base paths───跑垒道

base price───[物价]底价,基价

cause pain───引起疼痛

base pairings───[分子生物]碱基配对

au pair───n.互惠换工生(以帮做家务、照顾小孩等换取食宿和学习语言的外国年轻人);adj.互惠的,换工的


By flipping this field's polarity the DNA strand can be ratcheted along, one base pair at a time.───通过转动电场的极性,DNA链会渐进式地前进,一次一对碱基对。

The base pair ratio, AT : GC , is constant within a species but differs between species.───AT:GC 之间的碱基比具有种内特异性,但在不同种之间往往是不同的.

So, in the case of neuroepithelial neoplasia, he said, they are looking for mutations outside of the 12 base pair segment of the gene.───因此,就神经上皮肿瘤而言,他们正在寻找此基因的12 bp片段以外的突变。

a single strand of DNA can be read, one base pair at a time, and without the need for labelling.───一条DNA链就可以被识读出来,一次一个碱基对,不需要带上标识。


Conclusion Though 30 base pair deletion of Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 may not be an important pathogenetic step in extranodal nasal type NK/T-cell lymphoma, it may play some role in tumor progression.

Genes differ in length, averaging about 10 3 base pairs.

It can replicate because the specificity of base pairing ensures that the daughter molecules are identical to the original one.

They sequenced a 368 base pair fragment from the mitochrondrial genome and then compared it to sequences from ancient dogs, as well as to sequences from modern dogs, wolves, and coyotes. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

Strictly, a base pair is a pair of complementary bases (i.e. the A:T, G:C and A:U interactions) held together by hydrogen bonds.

There are approximately 10 9 base pairs in the human chromosome set.

The base pair ratio, AT : GC , is constant within a species but differs between species.

The core consists of 140 base pair of DNA wrapped around a globular histone bead containing two each of histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4.

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