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词汇 promotional video
释义 promotional video
promotional video发音



promotional code───优惠码

promotional codes───优惠码

promotional events───促销活动

promotional event───促销活动

proportional limit───比例限界

promotional activity───促销活动;推广活动

promo video───视频推广


promotor fidei───特鲁菲检察官


Briefly thrilling, but still - a promotional video.───惊险,但那毕竟只是- - -一段宣传片。

The school made a short promotional video.───学校录制了一个宣传短片。

The jet was being filmed for a promotional video.───此架专机当时正在拍摄宣传短片。

Last year, when an official promotional video for the Wall was released, it looked as if it could have been made three decades ago.───去年,绿色长城计划发布了一段官方宣传视频,看上去好像该项目三十年前就应该发起一样。

Mr Jackson did not invent the pop promotional video, as he is sometimes credited with doing.───杰克逊并没有像有时所说的那样发明了流行广告录影带。

General Motors and South East in Southeast Asia opened the pack a packed news briefing in Bangkok with the promotion of a promotional video.───东南亚通用汽车公司在曼谷召开了一次拥挤的记者招待会,其中用到了一段促销宣传片。

General Motors in Southeast Asia opened a packed news briefing in Bangkok with a promotional video.───通用汽车公司东南亚集团日前在曼谷召开了新闻发布会,会上播放了其最新的促销宣传片。

The promotional video Experience China is an effort to exert "soft power" through culture and lifestyle.───中国国家形象宣传片《感受中国》通过文化和生活方式展现中国的“软实力”。

Neurowear clearly has high hopes for the ears but even its own promotional video shows the potential pitfalls.───显然Nerowear对这款产品抱有厚望,尽管其宣传视频中也暴露了该产品的一些潜在缺陷。


A promotional video can be prepared for showing at induction meetings for parents of new children.

He is hawking around a 15-minute, £5,000 promotional video.

The school made a short promotional video.

Free copies of a promotional video were sent to local doctors and accountants.

See before you buy - get a copy of the promotional video which is very convincing.

The firm produceda short promotional video.

It's part of a promotional video, that claims to give the facts about fox-hunting.

A promotional video at the centre shows the plant's plans to reduce emissions through carbon capture and storage and by drying the brown coal and compressing it into coal pellets for export.

Lucy has also worked on production of a promotional video illustrating aspects of Medau which can be enjoyed by all age groups.

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