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词汇 pressing issue
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cleansing tissue───拭擦纸,餐巾纸

pressing matter───急事

burning issue───燃眉之急,紧要问题

personal issue───个人事务

pressing ahead───继续进行

pressing on───强加于;向前推进

pressing plant───压榨设备



The most pressing issue remains crime.───最紧迫的问题依旧是犯罪。

Sometimes, the pressing issue has to do with data categorization.───有时候,急迫的问题是必须处理数据分类。

Unemployment nudged past health to become the third most pressing issue.───失业险胜医疗,成为表中第三紧迫的热点问题。

Whether Washington can afford its new push is only one of the questions this raises. The other pressing issue is how China reacts.───这就引出两个问题。首先,美国有没有足够财力支持这项努力?另一个紧迫的问题是,中国将如何反应?

The President met Thursday with a key group of lawmakers who are working to find some middle ground about this pressing issue.───奥巴马总统于周四会见了正在努力寻找关于这个紧迫的问题中间环节的关键议员们。

Indeed, when was the last time you heard that a large number of countries agreed to a major international accord on a pressing issue?───实话说,你印象中上一次听说许多国家就某个紧迫问题达成一项重大国际协议是什么时候?

Taiwan hopes that China will grow rich and more democratic, by which time reunification might not be such a pressing issue.───台湾则希望大陆变得富裕且更民主,到那时统一也许就不是一个那么紧迫的问题了。

Longer-term, the resentment and dislocation among the have-nots of British society laid bare this past week is a pressing issue.───更长远地看,过去一周暴露出了英国社会贫困阶层的怨气和疏离感,这些问题也亟待解决。

That a well-informed citizenry was probably not the most pressing issue facing the nation in 1957 seems entirely beside the point.───有人或许会说,在1957年,整个美国最严重的问题并不是市民们了解了过多的事实。


The ideological and political construction is unadaptable to the new historical situations, which is a pressing issue facing the military construction.

Yet, there is no talk of an all-out war or even a euphemistic Operation New Dawn to tackle the most pressing issue for ordinary Americans – their economic security.

The United States considers strategic weapons negotiations the most pressing issue to be sorted out at the summit.

In Ban Chon, the most pressing issue among teenagers was drugs.

And there is a more pressing issue in its tie with Standard Life.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the task of organizing and implementing Knowledge Infrastructure and Management Engineering has become a pressing issue.

But some in the biohacking community worry that the constant focus on bioterrorism has taken attention and resources away from a more pressing issue: basic biosafety.

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