

词汇 present oneself
释义 present oneself
present oneself发音



repeat oneself───不自觉地重复

assert oneself───坚持自己的权利或意见

please oneself───感到满意

abuse oneself───虐待自己

beside oneself───极度兴奋;发狂

cross oneself───画十字号(求上帝保佑)

deny oneself───节制;戒除

ease oneself───自慰;使自己轻松

express oneself───表达自己的思想


Actually a lot of things me very be fed up with present oneself!───其实很多事情我都很讨厌现在的自己!

Consider as the method that at present oneself compare handy and strategy oneself, also be the inspissation of a kind of experience of pair of network operation and experience.───认为是目前本人比较得心应手的方法和策略,也算是对网络运营的一种经验和体验的浓缩。

Perfection fatigue refers to mental exhaustion and stress caused by constantly trying to present oneself as perfect, or by constantly seeing images of perfection.───完美疲劳症)指由于不断追求自我完美表现或者因为不断看到完美的图像而引发的精神倦怠或压力。

To present oneself formally before a court as defendant, plaintiff, or counsel.───出庭,到案作为被告、原告或律师而正式出庭

present oneself interview. I have to present myself for interview.───我必须出席面试。

present oneself in the courts.───出现在法庭上。


I want to had begun my life afresh ! How does ability change him? Actually a lot of things me very be fed up with present oneself!

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