

词汇 Pour into
释义 Pour into
Pour into发音




pours into───川流不息地涌入

poured into───川流不息地涌入

plug into───把(电器)插头插入;接通

pouring into───[油气]灌注(pourinto的现在分词形式)

to pour into───倾注

plough into───投入

pour points───倾点,流点;流动点,浇注点;零

plugs into───把(电器)插头插入;接通

pour it on───大肆吹捧;加油


It hopes to continue to pour into them, will accompany them through the most beautiful life!───那希望在不断涌向他们, 将陪伴他们走过最美的人生!

You'll pour into my cup then , and once again I'll drink you.───可你又斟满了我的酒杯,我怎能不喝掉.

Pour into marinade; whisk in cornstarch.───倒入保留的酱汁, 再加入淀粉快速搅拌.

Taste and adjust seasoning of the sauce and pour into a boat.───尝一尝沙司,调好味后倒入一个船型的盘子里.

To melt ( metal ) and pour into a mold.───把 ( 金属 ) 熔化并注入模子.

In fact, 9 cities are promotion this game pour into rife resource.───事实上, 九城为推广该游戏倾注了非常多的资源.

Tourists pour into London in the summer.───在夏季,旅游者大量涌入伦敦.

In fact, 9 cities are promotion this game also pour into rife resource.───事实上, 九城为推广该游戏也倾注了非常多的资源.

He watched her pour into the measure and thenceinto the jug rich white milk, not hers.───他望着她先把并不是她的浓浓的白奶倾进量器,随后又倒入罐里.

Bring a pot of water to boil. Rinse the sago and pour into the boiled water.───烧开一锅水, 将西米用水清洗一下,进滚水锅中.

Thousands of farmers pour into big cities every day.───每天成千上万的民工涌入大城市.

Blend with 2 cups crushed ice until smooth . Pour into champagne flute . Garnish with strawberry . Serves two.───加碎冰果汁机混合入笛形香槟杯,饰草莓.

Pour into the prepared baking pan.───倒入备好的玻璃烤盘内.

Heat the cream, pour into the chocolate, stir to dissolve.───鲜忌廉加热倒入朱古力内拌溶.

mix the red currant purée and whipped cream mixture and pour into ice cream maker, stirring for about 40 minutes.───将红醋栗泥和鲜奶油混合均匀,倒入冰淇淋机中,搅拌约40分钟。

The coffee will pour into your cup.───咖啡就会流进你的杯子.

Pour into a glass and enjoy.───倒入大玻璃杯中,然后尽情享受吧。

Pour into cake base and chill to set before serving.───馅料倒入饼底,置冰箱内冷冻至凝固.

Pour into running bath water and swirl to disperse.───倒入流动的洗浴水中搅拌至溶解.

Let it cool for about 5 minutes, then pour into your food processor.───等待5分钟, 降温后倒入食物处理机内.

The sink stops up constantly because of the sticky masses the children pour into it.───由于孩子们倒进许多粘东西,污水槽经常塞住不通.

Pour into glass and garnish with fresh mint lime wedge.───倒入玻璃杯并洒上新鲜薄荷叶.

People pour into big department stores when they have sales.───大百货商店大减价的时候人们蜂拥而至.

Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day.───每天大批不知名的人涌进城市.

Help me pour into Thy bosom All my life of self and sin.───助我向祢胸怀一倾我的犯罪与自己.

Beat eggs and pour into the hollow of the cake. Pinch and seal the opening.───把打好的鸡蛋沿着边缘灌到面饼里面, 封住开口处.

Shake vigorously for one minute and pour into Collins glass.───大力摇一分钟,并涌入柯林斯玻璃.

Whip up the eggs with the cream and pour into the mixture.───把鸡蛋同乳脂拌好后,倒进这混合物里.

Thousands of tons of filth and sewage pour into the Ganges every day.───每天都有成千上万吨污物和废水排入恒河。

After the man walks, they the unnecessary breast milk will pour into the earth.───男人走后, 她们将多余的奶水注入大地.

Set aside . Melt butter over low heat . Pour into small mixing bowl and set nearby.───小火融化牛油后倒入一个小的搅拌盆备用.


Stir thoroughly and pour into an ovenproof dish.

Pour into molds or baking dish.

Pour into a 7in round cake tin. 2.

How much love can you pour into your life?

Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day.

Thousands of tons of filth and sewage pour into the Ganges every day.

Pour into greased and floured 9-by-13-inch cake pan.

Pour into a greased and floured 9-by-13-inch pan.

Busloads of tourists pour into this place in the summer.





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