point the bone───指指骨头
round the bend───有精神病的;疯狂的
around the horn───在喇叭周围
round the clock───连续一整天,昼夜不停;毫不疲倦地
find the lady───找到那位女士
on the bot───想乞讨
relax the body───放松身体
round the edge───绕过边缘
around the clock───日以继夜地,连续一整天
Onthophagus taurus can pull 1,141 times its own body weight -- the equivalent of a 70-kilogramme (154-pound) person being able to lift 80 tonnes, the weight of six double-decker buses.───诊所认为我的各项身体指数(BMI—body mass index)接近23,而23正好是肥胖的分界线。 所以我得考虑减掉一两磅。
Onthophagus taurus can pull 1, 141 times its own body weight -- the equivalent of a 70-kilogramme (154-pound) person being able to lift 80 tonnes, the weight of six double-decker buses.───屎壳郎可拖动相当于其身体重量1141倍的物体,这相当于一个体重70公斤(154磅)的人能举起重达80吨的六辆双层巴士。
- pounds to dollars conversion
- pounded over
- pound puppies
- pounding oahu strain
- pounder custom gta
- pounds to grams
- pound sign
- pounding heartbeat
- poundal to lbf
- pound the body
- pound to dollar
- pounding in my ears
- pounds to ounces
- pound up