[经] 营业地点, 营业所
line of business───行业;[贸易]营业范围
lines of business───业务范围,主要业务;营业种类
book of business───业务手册
books of business───业务账簿
have no business───无权,没有理由
order of business───议程;议事次序
out of business───破产;失业;损坏;受伤
Article 3 A sole proprietorship enterprise's main place of business shall be its domicile.───第三条个人独资企业以其主要办事机构所在地为住所.
There is a permanent place of business and there are necessary conditions for production and operation.───有固定的生产经营场所和必要的生产经营条件.
To establish that source’s credentials, the cable’s author lists his family connections (Iran), his place of business (Baku), his education (British), and his distinctive sporting career.───为了证明消息可靠,电文中还历数了此人的伊朗家族背景,在巴库(注:阿塞拜疆首都)的生意,在英国的教育经历和他的运动生涯。
Finally, picture an XML-RPC sender at one place of business sending an XML-RPC payload to another business.───最后,想象在某处企业的XML - RPC发送方将一个XML - RPC有效负载发送到另一个企业。
He can usually be contacted at his place of business / work.───通常可在他的办公[工作]地点和他联系.
Old - time diners were built in a factory and transported to their place of business.───老式 的简便餐厅都是建在工厂里的并且可以方便的送到他们工作的地方.
Name and principal place of business of the carrier;───承运人的名称和主营业所;
So I also can do a place of business!───原来我也可以做庄!
C. Have a fixed place of business and civil aviation reservation terminal system.───具有固定的经营场所和民航预订终端系统.
- place to live
- placeless place
- placed for
- places to visit
- place wards
- place stress on
- place of business
- place to do
- place to go
- placental barrier
- place settings
- place start
- place of
- place setting
- placer deposit
- place item
- place of origin
- placement office
- placed logo
- place of art
- places to go