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词汇 bank balance
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bank balances───银行存款

beam balance───杠杆秤

mass balance───[物]质量平衡;物料平衡

on balance───总而言之,总的来说

beam balances───杠杆秤

horns balance───空气动力平衡

trade balance───贸易差额,贸易平衡

bank barn───斜坡谷仓;山坡马房

bank barns───斜坡谷仓;山坡马房


Bank balance sheet adjustment could crimp or bind credit.───银行资产负债表的调整可能抑制信贷的投放.

Take cash counting regularly. Reconcile the bank balance with Bank. Prepare bank reconciliation monthly.───定期盘点现金, 与银行核对余额; 每月编制银行调节表.

Third, the sorry condition of bank balance sheets has made them reluctant to lend.───最后, 银行业不容乐观的资产负载表让他们不愿投放信贷.

His bank balance has swelled by £222,000 in the last three weeks.───在过去的3周里,他银行的存款多了222,000英镑。

The company's success is reflected in its healthy bank balance.───这个公司的成功反映在大量的银行存款余额上.

We have spent so much money recently that our bank balance must be in the red.───近来我们已经花了很多钱,以致我们在银行中的帐目产生了赤字.

Our bank balance go into the red month.───上个月,我们的银行存款余额已出现了赤字.

you wish to use the Internet simply to check your bank balance?───你只想用因特网来查询你的银行存款余额吗?

He draw a check against all his bank balance.───他开支票支取了他所有的银行余额.

But with bank balance sheets stretched by the credit crunch, that's not likely to happen quickly.───但鉴于银行的资产负债因信贷危机变得吃紧, 建立这样的市场不可能很快办到.

I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my bank balance.───有关方面就我的银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查.

All applicants must show strong financial strength in their bank balance overseas.───所有申请人必须提供海外银行存款余额证明其具有强劲的财资实力.

Activities affect bank profits but do not appear on bank balance sheets.───所有这些业务均影响银行利润,但并不反映在银行的资产负债表上.

Maybe only two, three fights a year just to keep the bank balance comfortable.───只能一年只比赛两 、 三次,才可以保持银行有一笔可观的存款.

Illness, holidays, and other expenses reduced his bank balance to almost nothing.───看病 、 休假以及其他花销几乎耗尽了他在银行里的存款.

House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.───修房 、 度假和其他开销使她在银行的存款所剩无几.

That could help to shore up bank balance sheets and remove an obstacle to lending.───这可能有助于提振银行的资产负债状况,消除一个阻碍放贷的因素.

The lower home prices also caused more defaults and weakened bank balance sheets.───房地产价格下跌还造成更多违约并削弱了银行资产负债表.

Policymakers must also deal with household and bank balance sheets.───政策制定者还应处理好住户和银行资产负债表问题。

The TARP as originally conceived was to buy up toxic assets off the bank balance sheets.───问题资产救助计划最初的设想是收购并剥离银行资产负债表内的毒资产.

That would keep the pressure on bank balance sheets, keeping credit tight.───这将对银行资产负债表带来持续压力, 令信贷保持在紧缩状态.

His bank balance has swelled by $222,000 in the last three weeks.───他的银行存款在过去的3周里增加了$222,000。

Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you.───你的银行存款和你的薪水紧密相连,但幸福的存折全然取决于你自己.

The amount of industrial loans on bank balance sheets has declined for 15 consecutive weeks.───银行资产负债表上的工商业贷款额已连续第15周下降.

If your bank balance falls to zero you lose!───如果你的银行平衡落到对准零位你失去!

Credit crisis on bank balance sheets caused by the attack, is far from over.───信贷危机对银行资产负债表造成的打击, 还远未结束.

More generally, European governments need to restore confidence in the soundness of bank balance sheets.───在更普遍的层面上, 欧洲各国政府必须重振人们对银行资产负债表稳健状况的信心.

My bank balance isn't very large.───我的银行存款余额不多了.

As triple A rated investments a disastrous unravelling of bank balance sheets ensued.───随着AAA级投资发生亏损,银行资产负债表随之出现灾难性的崩溃.

Maintain bank balance journal on a daily basis.───按日编制银行存款余额日记帐.

He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm's bank balance.───他无法解释这家公司在银行结帐为什么会超支.


My bank balance isn't very healthy.

Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance.

My bank balance isn't very large.

His bank balance has swelled by £222,000 in the last three weeks.

House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.

I'll need to check my bank balance before I spend so much money.

I'd like to check my bank balance, please. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

My bank balance is always low at the end of the month.

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