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词汇 pearl harbor
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[地名] [美国] 珍珠港




Pearl Harbor───珍珠港(美国夏威夷港口)

Bar Harbor───巴尔港

air harbor───航空港

pearl barley───珍珠麦,大麦粉粒

safe harbor───安全港;避风港

pearl barleys───珍珠麦,大麦粉粒

air harbors───航空港

hard labor───苦工;强迫劳役

pearl ash───n.珍珠灰


The perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.───亚洲男性卑鄙、口蜜腹剑,而这一认识完全是由于日本偷袭珍珠港之后所产生的战时癔病和沙文主义思潮。

Remember Pearl Harbor?───还记得珍珠港事件吗?

I remember exactly where I was on the day when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor: in my room practicing my clarinet.───日本袭击珍珠港那天,我还能准确地记得:我在房间里练习单簧管。

The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor.───而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。

The United States the cost of these conflicts will be reduced from a lot of fundamental significance, since Pearl Harbor does not occur.───美国在这些冲突上的花费从根本意义上会减少很多,因为珍珠港事件不会发生。

The US would not drift into the second world war if Japan had not attacked the Pearl Harbor by stealth.───如果日本没有偷袭珍珠港美国是不会卷入二次世界大战的。

after Pearl Harbor led to American involvement in World War II and a shortage of building materials it would not be any time soon.───珍珠港事件后,导致美国在二战中的参与和建材短缺,它不会被任何时间很快。

Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of here. "───可是斯皮尔伯格给了他一个嘴巴,说:“你们中国人炸了珍珠港,给我滚开这里!”

And he began to rebuild the American naval forces destroyed at Pearl Harbor.───他开始重建在珍珠港摧毁了美国的海军力量。


The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity.

Pearl Harbor was the principal American bastion in the Pacific.

Franklin D. Roosevelt described the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1947 as 'a day that will live in infamy'.

After Pearl Harbor, U.S. neutrality ended.

The Pearl Harbor Incident was the conflict between Japan and America but had great influence on china which ended the situation that China fought against Japan alone for several years.

Pearl Harbor had impressed on us the importance of protecting ships against torpedo attacks, even in home waters.

He himself, by the surprise carrier strike on Pearl Harbor, had set an example which the enemy might follow.

In December Pearl Harbor brought a new urgency to the task of converting the economy into a vast war machine.

Pearl Harbor incident is early had made the history.

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