X-ray pictures───X射线照片
draw pictures───画画,画图;画图画
grainy picture───颗粒状图片
motion pictures───[电影]电影;动画电影
moving pictures───电影;移动的影像(movingpicture的复数)
talking pictures───有声电影
paramount importance───至关重要的
X-ray picture───X射线照片
Warner and Paramount Pictures, a division of Viacom, are issuing DVDs in both formats.───而华纳和维亚康姆下属的派拉蒙则以两种制式出品DVD。
Two major Hollywood studios, Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures, have agreed to release movie only in HD DVD.───好莱坞两大主要电影制片厂,派拉蒙影业和环球影业已经同意只用HD DVD发行影片。
clients include Paramount Pictures and Belkin, a consumer-electronics firm.───公司的客户中就有派拉蒙电影公司以及像贝尔金这样的电子消费品公司。
Paramount Pictures subsequently hired linguist Marc Okrand to fully flesh out the language, which he deliberately designed to be "alien. "───随后派拉蒙公司聘请语言学家马克·奥克兰彻底完善这种语言,并由他故意将之设计成一门“外星语”。
COMclaims, Paramount Pictures informed them that the man in the photo is "not Depp at all, just some random guy in a mustache" .───COM称,派拉蒙公司告诉他们,这张照片里的人绝对不是德普,只是一个留有胡子的家伙。
Paramount Pictures Corporation is an American motion picture production and distribution company, based in Hollywood, California.───派拉蒙影视公司是家美国的电影制造商和发行公司,公司总部在美国加利福尼亚州的好莱坞。
'Thor' has kicked off the summer season in a big way, ' Paramount Pictures Vice Chairman Rob Moore said in an interview Sunday.───派拉蒙影业的副主席穆尔(RobMoore)上周日在接受采访时说,《雷神》已经大张旗鼓地拉开了夏季电影季的序幕。
Two years ago, Paramount Pictures screened a piece of "Beowulf" in 3-D here. But that occurred only in a small, preconvention preview.───两年前,派拉蒙影视公司在这里放映3D影片《贝奥武夫》,但实际上只放了一小段预览。
'Shutter Island' raised some eyebrows when Paramount Pictures moved the film out of 2009 to February of this year.───拉蒙影业公司宣布把《禁闭岛》的放映日期从2009年推迟到今年2月时引起了人们的惊讶。
The head of beleaguered Carolco Pictures will become a producer for Paramount Pictures under a multi-year deal, the two companies said.
With "Titanic, " the News Corporation was at risk for at least half of a production budget that would approach $300 million in today's dollars, and was borne partly by Paramount Pictures.
And Paramount Pictures will be led 15 - 20 new films, DreamWorks will retain the right to co-financing.
Bosses at Paramount Pictures have purchased the rights to Hughes' unfilmed script "Grisby's Go Broke, " about a dysfunctional Chicago family who lose all their money when the economy slumps.
- paramount feature presentation
- paramount network
- paramount definition
- paramount pictures
- paramount importance