peace maker───新撰组异闻录(动漫名,PeaceMaker)
peace makers───新撰组异闻录(动漫名,PeaceMaker)
scale maker───电子秤
A new worm dubbed "Doomjuice" targeting Microsoft Corp. 's Web site emerged on the Internet on Monday, which security experts said slowed parts of the software maker's home page.───一个名为“Doomjuice”的针对微软网站的新蠕虫病毒周一忽然显现网上,保险专家估量会因而拖慢这家软件厂商主页的部门内容。
You may also upload onto website, your album on Internet etc. It's also a photo album page maker .───您也可以上传到网站,您的相册在互联网等它也是一本相册页的制造商。
We observed a similarly high number of eye fixations on a headline about clothing maker FCUK, which was placed far down on a page with a long list of headlines and blurbs.───我们还观察到一条关于服装制造商FCUK的标题也吸引大量眼球,这条标题僻处于页面上一堆列表的极下方。
If you're talking about newsletters , everybody's got the same crisp , Page- Maker-supplied, multicolumn formats .───如果你在谈论新闻通讯,那么每个人都拿着同样的简明的、网页编辑器制作出来的,多栏目格式新闻通讯。
Page Maker and Microsoft Word.───电脑排版及。
I know page-maker and Microsoft word───我懂page-maker和微软文字处理软件
- page maker
- page downbesos
- paged e
- paged code
- page of cups
- page expired
- page down
- page me
- paged pool