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词汇 out of time
释义 out of time
out of time发音



out of line───不协调,不一致;不成直线;违规

out of true───不精确,不准确;有毛病,出毛病

in/out of time───时不我待

cut-off time───截止时间

out of tempo───不合时宜

out of voice───失声

cutoff time───[电子]截止时间

out of date───过时的;过期的;废弃的

out of it───不在内;窘困;被冷落;搞错


His remarks at the party were out of time.───他在晚会上的讲话不当.

He is born out of time.───他生不逢时.

A lateral move means stepping out of time employment.───“平级调动”指的是退出全职工作.

The proposal was submitted a bit out of time.───这个建议提得不是时候.

Sara says that Linc's out of time; she needs needle, syringe and chest tube right now.───莎拉说林肯必须要接受治疗, 他现在就需要针头 、 注射器和胸腔导管.

We were standing onstage playing completely out of time.───我们站在舞台上,演奏得完全不合节拍。

I didn't finish the test— I ran out of time.───我没答完试卷,我的时间不够了。

Her singing was out of time with the music.───她的演唱和音乐不合拍.

We're running out of time, do you have any last words of wisdom for those folks that are listening or watching?───我们的时间不多了,你有什么最后的忠告给那些正在听或正在看的人吗?

If we go through channels , we'll run out of time!───即使你报告得再详细, 也解决不了任何事!

Camshaft out of time.───凸轮轴超时.

It is necessary to seek the Court's leave to file a document out of time.───时限过后,必须得到法庭的许可才可以将文件存盘.

His singing was out of time with music.───他的演唱与音乐不合拍.

Perhaps the panda already destined to run out of time.───也许大熊猫已经注定要寿终正寝.

He appeals was filed out of time.───这项上诉提得不是时候.

He and others in the rogues' gallery of international terrorists may be running out of time.───他和另外那些已经备案的国际恐怖分子可能没多少时间了。

It'seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time.───在我听来,小提琴拉得不合拍子.


He and others in the rogues' gallery of international terrorists may be running out of time.

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