

词汇 order of the day
释义 order of the day
order of the day发音




order of the days───议事日程;流行的事物;当日命令

the order of the day───n.议事日程

officer of the day───n.值日官,值日员

Order of the Bath───巴斯勋章

officer of the days───n.值日官,值日员

out of the way───偏僻的;不同寻常的;不挡道;把…移开

Order of the Garter───嘉德勋位;嘉德勋章(英国的最高勋章)

go out of the way───故意;不怕麻烦

one of these days───总有一天(用于许诺)


Dinner jackets are the order of the day for the annual ball.───穿上晚礼服去参加一年一度的舞会已为时尚.

Fifty years ago, high , stiff collars were the order of the day for man.───50年前, 硬高领是男子服装的流行款式.

Trousers are the order of the day for women when traveling now.───妇女出门旅行时,目前时兴穿裤子.

But the Lusitania took less than 20 minutes, and panic was the order of the day.───但是露西塔尼亚号不到20分钟就沉?, 大家都慌了.

For long - distance runner, running 50 miles is the order of the day.───对于长袍运动员来说, 每天跑50公里是很正常的.

Neatness and order are the order of the day.───干净整洁是当日规定应有之义.

Good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes.───督学一来,品行良好问题必在议事之列.

Indifference is the order of the day.───对任何事情都漠不关心是当今的风气.

Breakfast in Venezuela – empenadas are the order of the day.───委内瑞拉早餐---Empenadas就是今天早餐。

The order of the day was to be as follows.───那天的日程如下.

Coordination and mutual help between factories have become the order of the day.───厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。

Co - ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day.───厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风.

Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.───悲观失望似乎是当今司空见惯的情形。


Sexual explicitness is the order of the day.

Good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes.

Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

Casual clothes will be the order of the day.

Here, too, politics was the order of the day.

In the quieter moments Scrabble might be the order of the day.

Casual clothes are the order of the day.

Passive acceptance would be the order of the day.

Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.

  • ordered pairs
  • order a pizza
  • ordered pair
  • order sister
  • order in
  • order pickup
  • order qty
  • order a bowl
  • order sheet
  • ordering customer
  • order a meal
  • order about
  • orderly manner
  • order around
  • order by
  • order checks
  • orderly way
  • ordering flowers
  • ordered home
  • orderly governance
  • order fulfillment




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