

词汇 on offer
释义 on offer
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job offer───工作机会;工作邀请

on order───在定购中(已定而尚未交货的)

to offer───提供


job offers───工作机会,工作职位

on offense───开始进攻

loan officer───[金融]信贷员;贷款人员;信贷主管


Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.───光是摆在那里的各式商品就让一些购物者晕头转向了。

The wares on offer range from bicycles to television sets and cosmetics.───那里人来人往,四处摆满了用金属集装箱堆积而成的货摊.

There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.───正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。

I bought these cups at the supermarket — they're on offer this week.───我在超级市场买的这些茶杯——它们本周削价出售.

Over the page you can read all about the six great books on offer.───在下一页上,你可以看到有关6本在售好书的全部信息。

He took all the freebies that were on offer.───他取了可得的全部免费品。

20 subjects are on offer at A2 level at our college.───提供20多门A2证书考试课程。

Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price.───超过40种新书降价25%特惠销售。

20 subjects are on offer at AS level at our college.───本校提供20多门高级证书辅助考试学科。

The trouble is that few want to buy, despite the knockdown prices on offer.───问题是尽管要价极低,却很少有人想买。

Baked beans are on offer this week at the local supermarket.───当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价.

The house is on offer.───这所房子出售.

The share is on offer in parcel of 50.───股票以每五十张为一宗出售.

That shop has chairs on offer at 10 dollars.───那家商店里有椅子廉价出售,每把十美元.

Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer.───特价出售、值得收藏的精美艺术品种类繁多,将会让参观者大开眼界。

Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer.───储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。

The service is on offer to all family members regardless of age.───这项服务将提供给家族里所有成员,无论年纪大小.

  • onwards and upwards
  • only for u
  • on the flat
  • online fraud
  • on mine
  • one amp only
  • on ground
  • on a hike
  • on the beam
  • only to some
  • on the contrary
  • one after one
  • on a plane
  • on one time
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • on the beach
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • on the danger list
  • on a puzzle




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