

词汇 old country
释义 old country
old country发音





old countries───(移民的)故国;古老的国家;故土

hill country───丘陵地;丘陵地带

home country───祖国;原籍国

host country───东道国;主办国;所在国


cow country───奶牛之乡

low country───低地

the country───乡下


When they started applauding me in the great halls of Old Country, he got worried.───当人们开始在他的故国的大厅里对我喝彩时, 他就感到担忧了.

A couple of good old country boys are having a wild and woolly time.───几个乡下来的青年狂欢作乐一番。

Chinais old country with a long history.───神州是有着悠长历史的古国.

You know, I've been turning an old country place into a rest home for wounded men.───你知道, 我正在把一所古老的乡镇家舍改建成伤兵疗养所.

I happened on an old country hotel during the last summer holidays.───去年暑假期间我偶然发现了一家古老的乡村旅馆.

I happened on an old country hotel.───我偶然发现一家古老的乡村旅馆.

I stood again on the - remembered terrace, and looked once more at the peaceful old country house.───我又站在那萦绕心头的阳台上了, 我再一次地望望那宁静的老式乡下别墅.

I should either like to live in an expensive flat or an old country house.───我倒是喜欢要么住一套奢华的公寓房间,要么住一座古老的乡间别墅.

They loved hearing about leprechauns in the old country.───他们很爱听关于古时候小妖精的故事。

We decided to buy an old country cottage, warts and all.───我们决定毫不遮丑地买下一幢乡村旧别墅.

Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn?───喂, 是OldCountryInn 吗 ?

What did the 26-year-old country star get this Christmas?───想知道这位乡村女歌手圣诞节收到一份什么惊喜大礼吗?

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