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词汇 oak trees
释义 oak trees
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coat trees───衣架;衣帽架

cork trees───栓皮栎

bay trees───月桂树

hat trees───n.衣帽架

may trees───山楂

sad trees───悲伤的树

wax trees───野漆树


There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.───我们家门口有两棵枝广叶茂的大橡树。

But we are also related, albeit more and more distantly, to mice and fish and beetles and mushrooms and oak trees and so on, outwards to the humblest bacterium.───老鼠和鱼、甲虫和蘑菇、栎树等等,直到最卑微的细菌,尽管差异越来越大,但我们仍与他们有着联系。

There are even fears that the caterpillar could affect the Olympics in 2012 if east London oak trees suffer an infestation.───也有人担忧若东伦敦的橡树遭受虫害,会使2012年伦敦奥运会受到影响。

I drove up to the church and parked in the front between two large oak trees.───我开车到那,把车停在教堂前的两棵大橡树之间。

It was supposed to be a grand one, with dinner and dancing under a canopy of old oak trees in Brazoria County.───它本来是一场很盛大的婚礼,在布拉佐瑞郡举行,大家可以在老橡树顶棚下吃午餐和跳舞。

At least one out of 10 oak trees there died between 2006 and 2010, and many healthy trees were cut down to slow the disease's spread.───从2006年到2010年,至少有十分之一的橡树死亡,另外还有很多健康的树木为了防止植物疾病传播而被砍掉。

Beneath the water they might be stronger, more indestructible than resistant oak trees are on land.───只有在水下,它们才会显得更加强大,比陆地上具有顽强生命力的橡树还要坚不可摧。

Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship between squirrels and acorns (the seeds of oak trees).───自然主义者和临时观察员被松鼠与像树果的特殊关系所?。

Most of the time, the appeal of this tapestry of cedar and oak trees, lazy streams, and low limestone cliffs is more modest.───一年中的大部分时间,人们在这里看到的就是杉树和橡树枝繁叶茂,小溪缓缓流淌,以及低矮的石灰崖延伸至远方,一切都显得那么平淡。


It is commonly found among California live oak trees.

The mountains all were calling and the oak trees answering, Oh, woe, woe for Adonis.

Its hedged fields are sprinkled with oak trees, and apple orchards and half-timbered houses abound.

Many are lighted under oak trees, where groups of immigrants depend on the leafy canopies to hide telltale smoke.

There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.

Concepts of oak trees and how they differ from other types of trees require assimilation and accommodation of relevant experience.

Large oak trees overshadow the garden.

The road widening will uproot 46 oak trees and damage wildlife habitat.

Small acorns grow into great oak trees.

  • oak trees
  • oak island treasure
  • oak ridge boys




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