

词汇 now the
释义 now the
now the发音



now then───那么;喂

none the───一点也不

bow tie───领结;蝶形领结


snow tire───雪地轮胎

snow tyre───防滑轮胎,雪地轮胎

bow ties───领结;蝶形领结


Non-smoking is now the norm in most workplaces.───大多数工作场所现在都已禁止吸烟。

Now the machine is lying idle.───现在这台机器正处于闲置状态。

Derek is now the proud father of a bouncing baby girl.───德里克现在是一个健康小女婴的骄傲父亲。

Right now, the situation is mostly under control, they are currently trying to get more personnel to the scene to help.───目前,事态基本得到控制,他们正在增调人员,赶往现场支援。

For now, the episode appeared to take its place in a long series of provocations South Koreans have gotten used to.───目前来看,这段波折跟韩国已经习惯的一系列挑衅似乎没有什么两样。

Now the Master Snail said, "Did you see that I calmly sat here, sipping tea while you were running here and there like that? "───然后师父说:「你们那样跑来跑去时,有没有看见我平静地坐在这里喝茶?」

How much, and how long for, are now the main bones of contention.───多少,多久支付,现在是争论的焦点。

There was plenty of line still and now the fish had to pull the friction of all that new line through the water.───现在它必须拖出一卷卷新绳,并克服新绳在水中的磨擦阻力。

Now the words of two celebrities were put on the opposite side of a same paper. Which side should be put to the front?───后都要装裱的,现在两个大名人写在一张纸的正反面,我该装裱谁的呢?


Now the rebel army has regrouped and reorganised.

By now the wine had lifted her flagging spirits.

You must run off now.The rain is coming.

For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.

The worse luck now, the better another time. 

Ben's asleep now, the little lamb.

They are now the majority party in Parliament.

Now the visiting team is ahead.

Ever of lover, now the passers-by.

  • now i see your
  • now here
  • now you see me
  • now we stand
  • now the
  • now i go back
  • now words
  • now about
  • now with
  • now you see
  • now of never
  • now you
  • nowon your way
  • now try
  • now new nice
  • now you turn
  • now and again
  • now i work
  • now think
  • now you say
  • now go




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