nod off───打盹
sods off───滚开;离开
holds off───拖延;不接近;不使…接近
bogs off───走开;滚开
cops off───警察离开
fobs off───欺骗
goes off───离开;进行;变质;睡去;断掉;爆炸
logs off───注销;断线,退出系统
lops off───砍掉;缩短
Grandmother often nods off during the afternoon.───祖母下午常常打瞌睡。
He has a stern face and he simply nods before shooting off into the gathering darkness.───他一脸严肃地点点头,开车驶入越来越浓的夜色中。
An Alaskan brown bear nods off in the river after catching some salmon.───捉了几条大马哈鱼之后,这只阿拉斯加棕熊在河里打起盹来。
Some say he is unable to work hard; he occasionally nods off while conducting important government business.───有些人说,齐贝吉先生是心有余而力不足;他偶尔在执行重大政府事务时出现打瞌睡的情况。
She often nods off during the afternoon .───她下午常常打瞌睡。
my grandmother often nods off in the chair in the afternoon───我祖母下午常常会在椅子上打个盹。
An Alaskan brown bear nods off in the river after catching some salmon.
- nods with a big smile