Mother of God───圣母玛利亚
mother of pearl───珍珠母;贝壳
mother of vinegar───醋之母
matter of record───[法]备案事项
mother of pearls───珍珠母;贝壳
cloth of gold───金线织物
matter of law───[法]法律问题;法律事实
mother figure───慈母般的人;母亲的化身
Holy Mother of God!───至圣的圣母!
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour death. Amen.───天主圣母玛利亚, 求你现在和我们临终时, 为我们罪人祈求天主. 亚孟.
" Holy Mary mother of God,'says the Irishman. " Those boys at Buick think of everything. "───“ 天呀,圣母玛利亚,”爱尔兰人惊讶极了, “ 别克公司(老虎赞助商. 注)那些家伙想的可真周到. ”
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners.───圣母玛利亚,天主之母, 请为我们祈祷罪人.
On the upper border the Mother of God of the Sign is depicted.───在边界上的上帝之母的迹象是描绘.
"Holy Mother of God!" Marco crossed himself.───“圣母啊!”马尔科画着十字说道。
Holy Mother of God, what does this crap mean?───上帝的神圣母亲啊,这一番蠢活是什么意思?
important to call Maria mother of god?───称呼玛莉亚为上帝的母亲很重要吗?。
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.───天主圣母,请为我们祈求, 使我们堪受基督的恩许.
Holy Mother of God! Oh, my face! My face!───妈妈咪啊! 哦, 我的脸! 我的脸!
Ishtar, who was now worshipped as the "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven", continued to build her mystery religion.
The conception of the Mother of God was beyond all comparison more noble than that of St. John the Baptist, whilst it was immeasurably beneath that of her Divine Son.
Divine Mercy: The Holy Father found the purest reflection of God's mercy in the Mother of God.
'Holy Mother of God!' Marco crossed himself.
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