hand cream───护手霜;润手香脂
ice cream───冰淇淋
sun cream───防晒霜
mining areas───矿区
single cream───一次分离的稀奶油
your own snacks from a selection of cheese cubes, raw vegetables, pitted olives, dips such as hummus, cream cheese and avocado, as well as mini bread sticks, fruit slices, and natural yogurt.───自己随意选择一些食材来做点心,将小块的奶酪、生蔬菜、去核橄榄,沾些鹰嘴豆泥、奶油干酪、鳄梨,同时与小面包棒、水果切片、原味酸奶一起吃。
Brushes: Foundation, Concealer, Face Blender, Lip, Cream Shadow, Eye Shadow, Ultra Fine Eye Liner, and Eye Brow.───粉底刷,遮瑕刷,散粉刷,唇刷,霜状眼影刷,眼影刷,眼线刷,眉刷。
A mini whole wheat bagel, spread lightly with cream cheese and jam; a peach; and a cup of yogurt.───一个涂有少量奶油芝士和果酱的迷你全麦面包圈和一杯酸奶。
You can use marshmallows, pretzels , strawberries, mini cream puffs, fruits, and hard cookies. . . anything that goes with chocolate!───你可用棉花糖、手指饼、士多啤梨、迷你忌廉泡夫、生果、以及曲奇饼…即任何可配搭朱古力的食物!
- minimal design
- mining simulator
- mini house
- ministerial meeting
- ministering angels
- miniature market
- minimus latin
- minim nh
- mining games
- mining claims
- minion masters
- mini beast s
- minimus fan
- mini ninjas
- mini cream
- ministry of health
- mini more strip back
- miniature australian shepherd
- minimus is missing
- minimus 7
- mini rose