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词汇 mineral deposits
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mineral deposits发音




mineral spirits───溶剂油;松香水

mineral dressings───[矿业]选矿;[矿业][冶]富集

direct deposits───一种工资直接进入帐户的付薪方法

mineral dressing───[矿业]选矿;[矿业][冶]富集

mineral jellies───矿脂

mineral oils───[油气]矿物油;矿油;石蜡油(等于liquidpetrolatum)

minimum deposit───最低预付押金

oil deposits───油田;石油矿床

time deposits───[金融]定期存款


mineral deposits of the province, tin occupies first place; copper comes second.───该省矿藏,以锡最多,铜次之。

Although the earth contains extremely large mineral deposits, some of these are not easily accessible.───虽然地球上蕴藏着极大的矿产资源, 但是有些矿产又不容易开采.

Mineral deposits are coal, iron, copper, limestone and so on.───矿藏有煤 、 铁 、 铜 、 石灰石等.

High - quality products: There are Eucommia awarded to, mercury and metal - rich mineral deposits.───名优特产: 有杜仲、批把 、 汞及金属矿藏丰富.

Mineral deposits water spots , alumina, silica, soap scum, oxides , scale, rust.───金属沉淀物, 水垢,矾土, 硅石, 肥皂泡, 氧化物, 锈迹.

Territory of the investigation has proven nearly 20 kinds of mineral deposits.───境内已勘察探明的各类矿藏近20种.

Our country is rich in natural resource, we have many mineral deposits.───我们国家拥有丰富的自然资源,有很多矿藏分布。

There are rich mineral deposits in this region.───这一带地下埋藏着丰富的矿产.

The matrix of bone contains both fibers of the protein collagen and mineral deposits.───硬骨的基质既含有蛋白质的胶原纤维,也含有矿物质沉积.

It possessed rich mineral deposits, including gold.───它拥有丰富的矿藏, 包括黄金.

And the sulphide mineral deposits lie directly on the sea floor.───而硫化物矿藏直接坐落在海床上.

Mineral resources are large and medium - sized metallic and metallic mineral deposits.───矿产资源有 大中型 的非金属和金属矿床.

We are digging for mineral deposits.───我们正在掘地探矿.

The discovery also explains why helium is found in radioactive mineral deposits.───这个发现也解释了为什么在放射性矿渣中找到了氦.

Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome.───还可以储蓄金属沉积,清洁镀铬的水龙头以及其它器具。

The prospecting team traversed far and wide in search of mineral deposits.───地质勘探队为寻找矿藏而走遍四面八方.

Valuable mineral deposits have been found in this region.───在这地区发现有价值的矿床.

Among the mineral deposits of the province , tin occupies first place ; copper comes second.───该省矿藏, 以锡最多, 铜次之.


Precision dating of mineral deposits Many mineral deposits are the result of large-scale circulation of hydrothermal fluid in the upper crust.

Rich mineral deposits were discovered here in the early nineteenth century: coal, iron, limestone.

The product effectively removes mineral deposits and hard water films. It is economical to use.

Ores, which are economically workable mineral deposits, are highly concentrated occurrences of useful minerals.

They dig deep in search of mineral deposits to replenish those expended in the last year of growth.

Rich mineral deposits have been found in the sea bed.

The undissolved potassium mineral deposits is mainly classified to the sedimentary rock and the igneous rock.

The country possesses rich mineral deposits.

We are digging for mineral deposits.

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