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词汇 mating calls
释义 mating calls
mating calls发音



mating call───交尾叫;交配鸣叫

margin calls───[金融]追加保证金的通知

rallying calls───号召

bearing walls───承重墙

hanging walls───挡烟垂壁

heating bills───暖气费账单

cattle calls───爱情召唤(电影名)

dining halls───,食堂

hiring halls───职业介绍所


This bat's extra-large ears help it detect frogs from the sound of their mating calls, even distinguishing the songs of edible species from those of toxic ones.───这只蝙蝠那巨大的耳朵有利于它通过青蛙寻偶时的歌声来辨别青蛙,甚至可以辨别出有毒青蛙与无毒青蛙。

As you can tell from the frog song recording, the mating calls of this species include a whine followed by a series of grunts, or "chucks."───正如你从上面那段录音中听到的,这种动物求偶的鸣音由“呜呜”声和一连串“咕噜”声组成。

Wong: The strange and powerful mating calls of the giant flightless parrot of New Zealand, the Kakapo. There are only 86 of them left in the world.───新西兰的枭鹦是一种不能飞的巨大鹦鹉,它求偶时会发出很奇特很大声的交配鸣叫,现在全世界只有86只存活的枭鹦。

As you can tell from the frog song recording, the mating calls of this species include a whine followed by a series of grunts, or "chucks. "───正如你从上面那段录音中听到的,这种动物求偶的鸣音由“呜呜”声和一连串“咕噜”声组成。

This hypothesis was tested by an experiment with 70 lab-raised male crickets whose mating calls were recorded for 15 hours.───霍斯肯和他的实验小组对这一推论进行了实验,他们分别记录了七十只实验室饲养的蟋蟀在十五小时内的求偶行为。

Researchers have long been interested in mating calls of different animals, especially primates.───科学家一直很好奇不同动物尤其是灵长类动物在交配时的叫声。

Many frog species are distinguished by male mating calls.───许多蛙种是靠雄性交配鸣叫的声音来区分的。

MOOS This is a zoo where they even play taped toad mating calls to encourage breeding.───这个动物园还播放录好的蟾蜍求偶时的叫声,来增进蟾蜍繁殖。


Their mating calls left no room for doubt.

  • mating calls




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