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词汇 marriage customs
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marriage counselors───婚姻顾问

marriage portions───嫁妆

marriage bureaus───婚姻介绍所

marriage rates───结婚率

marriage vows───婚礼宣誓

marriage counselor───婚姻顾问

marriage ceremony───结婚仪式,结婚典礼

marriage partners───结婚对象;婚姻伴侣

marriage ceremonies───结婚仪式,结婚典礼


What kind of marriage customs are there in a China of such long-standing history and civilization?───悠久文明历史的中国,又有什么样的婚俗呢?

And scholars on the marriage customs of the Dong's study, on the Changes in marriage customs less attention.───而学者们对侗族婚恋习俗所作的研究中,对婚恋习俗的变迁情况关注较少。

Marriage is the most joyous occasion in one's life, and different countries also have different marriage customs.───结婚是人生最大的喜事,而不同的国家也有着不同的结婚习俗。

Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated.───不同的民族有不同的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。

"You know, their marriage customs when we first settled in the islands were so shocking that I couldn't possibly describe them to you. "───你知道,我们刚刚在岛上定居的时候,他们的婚姻习惯简直太不象话了,我都没法对你讲。

Like Americans, the French also useful for a variety of items to name each marriage customs, and different naming of the Americans.───像美国人一样,法国人也有用各种物品来命名每个婚龄的习俗,并且与美国人的命名有所不同。

The evolution of the marriage customs in Wuyi displays the openness, inclusiveness and diversity of its folk culture.───五邑侨乡婚俗演变,体现了侨乡民俗文化的开放性、包容性和多元化特征。

What kind of marriage customs are there in a China of such long-standing history and civilization?───有着悠久文明历史的中国,又有什么样的婚俗呢?

This dissertation mainly studied the marriage systems and marriage customs of the nationalities of Han, DangXiang and NuZhen.───本文主要研究的是宋夏金时期主要民族汉族、党项族、女真族的婚制与婚俗问题。


These love story, different cultures breed in the soil. Cultural differences in background mode led to a nation of love and marriage customs are different.

The thesis mainly discusses on the topic of the marriage customs in Chou Dynasty, which is based on the predecessors research results and literature material.

  • marriage proposal
  • marriage status
  • marriage certificate
  • marriages in china




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