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词汇 man in the street
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man in the streets───n.普通人

man on the street───一般公众

woman in the street───街上的女人

woman in the streets───街上的女人

the man in the street───n.一般人;普通人(等于themaninthecars)

woman of the street───妓女

woman of the streets───n.娼妓

the woman in the street───街上的女人

man in the moon───月球上的人


The man in the street is opposed to this idea.───一般人反对这种想法.

This Szuma Chao trick is obvious to every man in the street.───司马昭之心,固已路人皆知矣.

It wasn't the man in the street.───并不是站在街上的那个男人。

These facts may be clear enough to us, who have made a study of them, but how are they to be got over to the man in the street?───这些事实对于曾做过一番研究的我们可能是够清楚的了, 但怎么能为一般人所理解 呢 ?

Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street.───我们的政治家要学会投合广大普通群众的需要.

Politicians often don't understand the views of the man in the street.───从政者通常不理解平民百姓的观点。

Maybe you give it a homeless man in the street.───也许你会施舍给露宿街头无家可归的人.

It is not uncommon to hear the man in the street gripe about hospital services.───因此,我们也不时可以听到许多民众对医院的不满和投诉.

He wants to know how the man in the street feels about the issue.───他很想知道普通人对这个问题的看法.

To the man in the street, the two look pretty similar.───对于大街上的一个路人来说,它们极其相似。

A man in the street was selling bags of hot chestnuts.───街上有个男人在卖一包包热栗子.


A man in the street was selling bags of hot chestnuts.

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