

词汇 make merry
释义 make merry
make merry发音


玩乐,尽情欢乐; 作乐; 行乐; 取乐


make money───赚钱

make ready───准备好

make amends───赔偿(损失等);道歉;赎罪

make my day───令我开心

make an error───出差错;犯错误;出错

make away───急忙离开

make eyes───抛媚眼;暗送秋波

make for───导致;有助于;走向

make gree───做格力


In the light of that tree, families make merry and give gifts one to another.───正因为有了这棵树,让家庭充满快乐, 并在树下互赠礼物.

Nana was struck, and did her best to make merry about it.───这很叫娜娜触目, 她尽量在那里欣赏.

Everyone likes to make merry occasionally and enjoy himself.───每个人都喜欢偶尔作乐以自娱。

On the first of May every year, the villagers would make merry in the village, dancing, singing and drinking.───每年5月1日, 村民们都在村子里行乐:跳舞, 唱歌,饮酒.

When he's free, he usually goes to the bar to make merry.───他休息时通常去酒巴作乐.

merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn.───和那些快乐的人、哭泣的人和哀伤的人一起营造快乐。

They sing to the timbrel and harp and make merry to the sound of the flute.───他们伴着手鼓与竖琴歌唱,随着笛声欢呼.

Here I can eat, here drink and make merry.───我可以在这里吃喝玩乐。

And shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry.───你必再以击鼓为美,与欢乐的人一同跳舞而出.

  • make sure that
  • make the
  • make a funny
  • make die
  • make up
  • make me tick
  • make a deal with the devil
  • make my words
  • make the idea
  • make itTO
  • make a video
  • make dumpling
  • make a fist
  • make choice
  • make the effort
  • make up forever
  • make my move
  • makeshift greenhouse
  • make a request for
  • make any noise
  • make a survey




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