

词汇 lives up
释义 lives up
lives up发音



livens up───使…有生气

gives up───放弃;交出

lies up───躺着

lines up───排列起;整队

live up───v.快乐地过日子

lived up───v.快乐地过日子

liven up───使…有生气

lives out───生活在外

fires up───生火;煽动


Do you know anyone that lives up to the ridiculous standards they establish in our culture?───你知道有谁符合他们在我们文化中建立的荒谬标准吗?

Have trust and let your teen know that you trust him. But if he lives up to your trust, his freedom will diminish until you can trust him again.───要有信任,让你十几岁的孩子知道你信任他。但是如果他辜负了你的信任,他的自由就要减少,直到你可以重新信任他。

He really lives up to his reputation as “a walking dictionary”.───他真是名副其实的“活字典”。

The size of the alleged Bernard Madoff scam, if it lives up to its initial $50bn billing, is astounding, yet unsurprising.───如果伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌的欺诈案规模达到最初所称的500亿美元,那将是令人震惊的,但也不足为奇。

Sometimes people will tell you to smile; but the smile I give has got to be a real smile that lives up to its advertising.───有时候人们会要求你微笑,但是我的微笑一定会是发自内心的,那样才能起到广告的作用。

If the mat lives up to its promise, you may even save some money in the long run.───如果这个垫子遵守它的承诺,那么从长远来看你甚至是节省了钱的。

It is in our collective interest to ensure that the Internet lives up to its potential as a revolutionary connective medium.───让互联网真正能成为革命性的连接媒介是我们大家共同的利益。

So after a year and a half on the job, have I found that being an agony aunt lives up to my dream?───那么,在做这份工作一年半以后,我是否认为当一位知心大姐成就了我的梦想呢?

Let us hope that from his first acts as President he accepts and lives up to this beautiful responsibility.───我们希望当他正式作为美国总统后,他能履行这个美丽的职责。


He really lives up to his reputation as " a walking dictionary ".

Every bottle lives up to our family's seal of approval, hallmarked by time honoured wine - making methods.

No-one lives up here in the cleft of the White Kielder Burn.

He is intrepid and lives up to the name of a fearless hero.

Mr. Tung lives up to his distinguished heritage - a man of both literary and military talents. ".

The draft text also lives up in leaves open the exact target for limiting temperature rise.

Singapore lives up to its reputation as a "food paradise" – from haute cuisine to cheap local fare, there is something to suit every palate.

She lives up in the Lake District.

She lives up north.

  • lives or lives
  • lives of others
  • lives there
  • lives with
  • lives news
  • lives on a farm
  • lives at home
  • livestock science
  • lives up




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