

词汇 line of business
释义 line of business
line of business发音


营业范围; 行当


lines of business───业务范围,主要业务;营业种类

order of business───议程;议事次序

book of business───业务手册

line of apsides───拱线

out of business───破产;失业;损坏;受伤

books of business───业务账簿

be in business───经商

have no business───无权,没有理由

line of battles───n.作战队形


Fortunately, a new line of business has emerged.───幸运的是,一种新的商业形式开始出现。

Money can corrupt any line of business, but it doesn't have to.───金钱可以腐蚀任何行业,但事实并非一定如此。

Do you know what line of business she is in?───你知道她是干哪一行的 吗 ?

Participation in tender is in our line of business.───参加投标属于我们的业务范围.

May I know what line of business you handle?───可以告诉我你们从事何种业务 吗 ?

Does this item come under your line of business?───我想知道这种产品属您经营的范围 吗 ?

I have been in this line of business for many years.───我经营这项业务已有多年.

Analytic informatization construction sheds line of business in content developing importance.───分析信息化建设在物流业发展中的重要性.

What line of business are you in?───你从事的是哪门行业?

You meet some very interesting people in my line of business.───干我们这行,你会遇到很多有趣的人.

WHAT line of business are you in?───你处于哪个行业?

The export of textiles is our line of business business scope.───出口纺织品是我们的谋划范围.

We have been in this line of business for many years.───我们经营这项业务已有多年.

More humanness chose to do pioneering work in other line of business.───更多的华为人选择了在其他行当创业.

What can I do for you in your line of business?───我能在你的业务上帮什么忙 吗 ?

If the demand for one product slackens, another line of business can provide balance.───如果一种产品的需求量减少, 另一种产品可代替它,使营业保持平衡.

Jerry, you honest tradesman, it wouldn't suit your line of business!───杰瑞, 你是个诚实的生意人, 这对你的业务可是不利!

We are not engaged in this line of business.───我们不经营此业.


They were both in the same line of business.

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