

词汇 light source
释义 light source
light source发音



light horse───轻型马

at source───在产地;在源头

heat source───[气象][热]热源

light face───细体字;细体字的

light guide───导光管;[光]光波导;光导纤维

light horses───轻型马

light lunch───很随便的午饭;口味清淡的午餐

light out───匆匆离去

light switch───灯开关;照明开关


Procuct: downlight spot light, halogen light source light, kitchen light etc. series.───目前产品有: 筒灯,射灯, 金卤灯.节能灯.吸顶灯. 厨卫灯等系列.

If what they're saying is correct, which I believe it is, things like the light source are going to strip atoms from the inside out.───如果他们说的是正确的,就像我所相信的,像光源这样的东西会把原子从内部剥离出来。

Shader types: surface, light source, displacement, transformation, volume, image.───着色器种类: 表面, 光源, 置换, 转换, 体, 图像.

The process involved using intensive X-ray light produced at the National Synchroton Light Source in Brookhaven, N. Y.───这种方法使用了纽约布鲁克黑文的国家同步加速器光源产生的强大的X射线。

Ozcan an LED as his light source, creating cellular shadows.───欧兹坎用LED(发光二极管)作为光源, 以此制造细胞的阴影.

To express color, it looked to light source and the environment.───在色彩表现上, 则注重明暗光源和环境.

Light color for three - dimensional display elements ( for edges facing the light source ).───三维显示元素的亮色 ( 对于面向光源的边缘 ).

With a stable light source, this can be determined from a preliminary observ ation.───在光源稳定的情况下, 可通过预先观测来确定.

Laser & LED hybrid light source that enables mercury - free, high - brightness projection .───激光 和 LED光源的混合,使无汞, 高亮度投影.

Related links escalating violet light source will give business card printing industry?───不关链接不停进级的紫激平平源会给制卡业带来 什么 ?

So that the robot can carry out the automatic light source tracking.───右转也是一样,如此即能实现自动光源追踪.

light source irradiates infrared light onto the biosome from the shotting side of the biosome.───光源从上述生物体的摄像侧对上述生物体照射红外光。

Procuct: downlight spot light, halogen light source light , kichen light etc. series.───目前产品有: 筒灯,射灯, 金卤灯.节能灯.吸顶灯等系列.

Dysprosium lamp: Light source for repro - photography and printing down.───镝灯: 复制照相及晒版用光源之一.

Using astigmatic method to extract information of light source in z axis.───用散光的方法来提取光源在Z轴上的位置。

This is to roughly show the area affected by the light source.───这是为了大概表明下由光源影响的区域.

Stealth tip: Opponents may notice if you put out a light source.───秘密行动提示: 如果你熄灭一处光源的话敌人会察觉的.

The transmitter - receiver housing contains the light source and all electronic and control functions.───发射器和接收器内装有光源和所有电子元件和控制元件.


Shader types: surface, light source, displacement, transformation, volume, image.

Equipped with light source, annular fluorescent lamp.

A candle is practically useless as a light source.

A rouser having a light source composed only of a versatile discharge lamp and produced at a low cost.

To obtain readings in this waveband an auxiliary light source would be necessary.

The arrow at the left represents the light source.

This could be light radiating from a light source, or reflected light.

A bedside light should be placed so the light source is above your head but not shining directly on to your eyes.

Each encoder has a fixed light source opposite a light detector.

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  • light shop
  • light of the seven
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  • light wood
  • light work
  • light heart
  • light and day
  • light line
  • light headed
  • lightheaded in early pregnancy
  • light up with
  • light intensity
  • light supper
  • light rat
  • lightning storm
  • lighting out




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