

词汇 lets not love
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Platonic love───n.精神恋爱;柏拉图式恋爱

be in love───在恋爱

cuts no ice───无效,不起作用;没有意义

genuine love───真爱

labor of love───心甘情愿做的工作

lasting love───永恒的爱

latin lover───拉丁情人

let alone───更不必说;听任;不打扰

let it go───任它去,放下


's great that we want our children to have things but lets not let those things take the place of our love.───我们希望我们的孩子应有尽有是不错,但是不要让那些东起取代了我们的爱。

Miserable and beautiful story, the pure noble swan related never change faithful emotion toward us, so the magnificent and victorious love lets the mankind be not equal to from the.───凄惨美丽的故事,洁白高贵的天鹅向我们讲述了始终不渝的忠贞情感,这样轰轰烈烈的爱情让人类自愧不如。

They are serving, volleying, and blocking balls not for amusement, endorsements, or beer, but for the love of a game that lets them demonstrate their athletic skills while \\ having \\ fun in the sun.───他们发球、回击、拦网,并不是为了消遣、成为产品代言或啤酒,而是因为热爱这项既让他们展现运动技巧,同时又能在阳光下享受比赛的乐趣。

  • lets funny
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  • lets girl
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  • lets get wet
  • lets find out
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  • lets sing it
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  • lets not love
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