

词汇 leaving off
释义 leaving off
leaving off发音



leading off───衍生

clearing off───摆脱;清除;走开

bearing off───赢得;驶离

easing off───减轻;下跌

heading off───阻止;转移方向

laying off───停工;放样;测设

leaving out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

letting off───放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕

living off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外


It was disorienting to look at that latticed half-bridge leaving off in midair like some sort of Surrealist painting.───它看上去让人迷惑,网格状的半桥悬浮在半空中,多少有些超现实主义画作的味道。

Which means too many guys are eating the apples without leaving off the pie, strudel, and fritter part.───那就意味着太多男性吃苹果馅饼,苹果陷点心,以及其他甜食。

I deeply regret leaving off Roethke's "The Lost Son", Adrienne Rich's "Diving into the Wreck" and "The Asphodel, that Greeny Flower" by William Carlos Williams.───我很遗憾去掉了罗特克的《遗失的儿子》,阿德里安娜#蕾切尔的《毁灭中潜行》以及威廉#卡洛斯#威廉姆斯的《水仙,那淡绿的花束》。

He brought style of his own and his leaving off the flour to the basket can only be described in one word--- shocking.───他带来了只属于他的篮球风格而且他离开地板跳跃至篮筐的能力只能用一个词汇来形容,那就是惊人。

You would, rightly, ridicule anyone who proposed saving money by leaving off one or two of the legs.───你一定会嘲笑那些为了省钱要取掉一条或两条腿的人。

No one sees that the cat also sheds a drop of tear after the mouse leaving off.───谁也没看见老鼠走后,猫也流了一滴泪。

Anything on SCSI bus 0 can be shortened to 1, 0, leaving off the first 0.───SCSI总线0上的设备都可以缩写为1,0,即省去头一个0。


Anything on SCSI bus 0 can be shortened to 1,0, leaving off the first 0.

Which means too many guys are eating the apples without leaving off the pie, strudel, and fritter part.

  • leaving for
  • leaving on a jet plane
  • leavings orkesteri




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