

词汇 leave your mark
释义 leave your mark
leave your mark发音



make your mark───留下你的痕迹;获得认可;成名

to leave your/a mark───留下你的/a标记

leave a mark───留下记号

on your mark───各就各位(赛跑起步时的口令)

wave your arms───挥动你的手臂

to make your/a mark───留下你的/a印记

chance your arm───试试你的胳膊

chase your tail───瞎忙活,徒劳无功

he's your man───他是你的人


Please leave your mark on the rail of my life.───请在我生命的轨迹里留下你的痕迹。

Like to leave your mark on me, but never remember you never belong to me, Valentine's Day is coming, in my body under the cover of your seal?───喜欢在你身上留下属于我的印记,却不曾记起你从未属于过我,情人节就要到了,在我身上盖下只属于你的印章好吗?

Ill teach you how to leave your mark, and get you that paper if you want, but in due time.───我会教你怎么留下标记,如果你要纸,我会给你,但得过段时间。

The Greenfields and Glade offer peace and love and healing, there's a wall to rock climb, and the Love sculpture to leave your mark upon.───亲自然的表演场地能提供爱、和平与关爱,有专门的攀岩墙,你也可以在爱的雕塑上留下自己的名字。

Ill teach you how to leave your mark, and get you that paper if you want, but in due time.───我会教你怎么留下标记,假如你要纸,我会给你,但得过段时间。

And Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.───第五,你必须在你所有的路径之地,留下足迹。不论何种情况,你都必须尽职尽责。

FIVE, "On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. "───第五:不管你走在怎样的路上,你必须留下你的痕迹。

Please leave your mark here!───请在这里留下你的脚印。

FIVE, "On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. "───第五:不管你被用在何处,你必须留下你的痕迹。

  • leave the field blank
  • leave again
  • leave it behind
  • leave ouintwomistudents
  • leave aside
  • leavened with
  • leave by
  • leavened cake
  • leave home
  • leaves eyes
  • leaved means
  • leave your mark on life
  • leave without
  • leave about
  • leave out of
  • leaves off
  • leave game
  • leaves sadly
  • leaven bread
  • leave in
  • leave of




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