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词汇 lean back
释义 lean back
lean back发音




loan back───还贷

loan backs───贷款偿还

loans back───归还贷款

beam back───梁背

beat back───vt.击退,打退;驶回

head back───调头,回去

lain back───躺下

lay back───使…向后;躺下休息



Second, magnetic people seen in photographs and videos with objects on their body tend to lean back slightly, or stand more or less perpendicular to the ground.───第二,在照片和视频中看到身上粘有东西的磁铁人都有点倾斜他们的背部或者尽量不垂直站在地上。

Lean back with your hands behind your head while seated feeling of boredom or superiority.───坐时往后靠,双手在头后方,表示无聊或优越感.

If you get a litter spook aroud here at night. Lean back ground , put a few lights on.───要是你晚上觉得有点恐怖, 你可以多开几盏灯.

Or lean back too much or you might seem arrogant and distant.───也不要向后倾斜太多,否则你可能显得傲慢而疏远.

If you want to show that you're confident in yourself and relaxed lean back a bit.───如果你想要表示自己充满信心,并且很放松,可稍微向后倾斜.

Reaching for pillows, she propped them behind, so that he could lean back.───她拿起枕头垫在他背后, 使他能往后靠着.

You pause, lean back, look her body up and down once playfully, and say " Hi. "───稍微停顿, 向后靠, 从上倒下审视她一遍, 之后说, “ Hi ”.

lean back just a little bit, and lift your legs up off the floor while bending your knees.───身体向后靠,然后抬起双腿,双脚离地,膝盖弯曲。

These joints become heavily loaded whenever people lean back.───当人向后倾时这些关节受到了重载.

Now lean back a little. I'm going to shave your face.───请往后靠一点, 我要给您刮脸了.

They always lean back and put their feet up on the seat in front of them.───他们总是背靠着椅子,把脚放在前排的椅子上.

Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day.───舒舒服服地躺着泡个热水澡,忘掉白天的一切烦恼。

While grasping, lean back, keeping your spine in alignment, until you feel a slight stretch.───同时,尽量把你的身体往后靠,使脊柱保持一条直线,直到你感觉自己的上背部得到了轻微的拉伸。


I lean back into my own corner of the porch swing and hold on to myself.

Instead, lean back against the headrest.

Lean back and enjoy the ride.

They always lean back and put their feet up on the seat in front of them.

Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day.

You could then lean back and pick up the front foot, thrusting it straight into the opponent's solar plexus.

Now lean back against the firmness of the tail bone and shoulder blades.

I lean back in my chair and dab at dribbles of juice with a linen napkin.

These joints become heavily loaded whenever people lean back.

  • lean times
  • leans hub
  • lean toward
  • leaned forward
  • lean production
  • lean down
  • leaned upon
  • lean cuisine
  • leaner proteins
  • lean meats
  • leaned back




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